Those who are spiritually inclined and who are seekers (of God) are urged to take the time to understand this article and commence or strengthen their spiritual practice. 75th birthday of His Holiness Dr Athavale, Music and Dance – A Spiritual Perspective, List of Abstracts and Papers prepared by the Maharshi University of Spirituality, World War 3 & Natural Disasters – A Survival Guide, Finding Happiness Through Spiritual Practice, Spiritual Principles for Fast Spiritual Development, Personality Defect Removal and Personality Improvement, Serving God – Service to the Truth (satseva), Influence of Negative Energies on Society, 5. Over time these seeds would take root and increase the Raja-Tama (spiritual impurity) in society. According to the infamous seer, 2019 is set to be the start of 27 years of misery around the globe. When Is world War 3 Going to start? A lot of predictions have been made regarding World War 3 by some of the greatest seers in the world… And in 2025 a major upheaval in social and moral values would be observed world over. As time progressed more and more Saints and seekers are joining the subtle-battle. Learning governance of the Divine Kingdom. World War III has started. World War III: How Likely Is It U.S. Will Fight in Iran, ... but both men appear willing to let the process go on indefinitely, ... Start your day with our top 5 articles With all the confilct in the world at the moment, when do you think world war 3 will start? 5 Places World War III Could Start in 2020 Korea, the Middle East and much more. December 27, 2019, 11:45 PM. Approximately 50% of the Indian population will perish as a result. This was due to a rise in man’s materialistic nature and lack of Righteousness owing to a lack of spiritual practice. Many fear the recent attacks could be the start of World War 3 with the hashtags #WW3 and #WorldWar3 trending on Twitter shortly after Soleimani's death was announced. If he bans Muslims, he will cause ISIS to become even more hostile, and to cause a alliance with Al-Qaeda and (rare chance) North Korea will also see this as a good time to strike, and if Russia decides to help since they're allies. I sure hope to god it never starts. It strengthens the hold of the forces of evil on humankind. Favourite answer. This war that is coming will kill 2.2 billion, forty times World War II. What can we do in order to be protected during World War 3? Qasem Soleimani was killed in a bombing ordered by President Trump at Baghdad Airport on Thursday. (Hydrogen bombs)North Korea has at present one potential delivery system for its … Many may feel a sense of helplessness when they see the world lurch forward uncontrollably towards an uncertain future. An increase in Raja and Tama has a destabilising effect on people and the environment. Pinterest. Tensions will grow, eventually (over the next 5 years) plunging the area into an all-out free-for-all. In order to understand this article better, please read the article – Sattva, Raja and Tama – Basic Components of Creation as it provides knowledge on some basic concepts that are referred to in this article. This results in various undesirable events such as natural disasters, terrorism, wars, etc. World War 3: Will UK go to war? Introduction to the World War 3 prediction, 3. Google Trends recorded "Iran" as the most searched term in … From times immemorial, India has been the spiritual leader of the world. Just as one needs to have a visa to visit a foreign country, the granting of the visa to live in the Divine Kingdom is determined by the potential one has to grow spiritually. This is how Trump could start World War III By Tom Z. Collina, opinion contributor — 10/11/17 04:40 PM EDT The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill *Note: Towards the end of World War 3, the severity of the destruction caused by war will be 4.5 times that of World War 1 and 3 times World War 2. All the major disasters and terrorist activities of the past few years are tell-tale signs directly related to the subtle-battle. Copyright © Spiritual Science Research Foundation Inc. All Rights Reserved. In World War 2, approximately 30 nations took part in the war directly or indirectly, in World War 3, In the final stages, as some countries are nearing complete defeat, they will resort to using. (CNN)In the hours after the Pentagon announced the killing of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani on Thursday, "World War III" was trending on Twitter.Traffic to the US … The likelihood of this 180-degree change happening is next to zero and hence the World War 3 and the destruction that has been predicted becomes inevitable. Most of this battle is being fought in the spiritual dimension between forces of good and evil. Time magazine was an early adopter, if not originator, of the term "World War III". World War III. The Cybernet War of 52' (aka ww 3) I could go into detail but you probably won't understand . Prediction about the start of World War 3, the events which precede it and events which will follow, 1. WORLD WAR 3 fears have been ignited across the globe in the wake of the death of one of Iran’s most revered military leaders. The thing about major wars is they usually start suddenly and without warning, and the third world war … However, it may not be obvious to the world. - Timeline of Events, 4. The subtle battle will be fought from 1999-2023. At an individual level, the people who will survive World War 3 will either be above the 50% spiritual level due to practising Spirituality or will have the potential to grow spiritually. The mystic believes World War 3 will end on the 100th anniversary of that date. Email. North korea is in no position to start world war 3.It's recent atomic test used a weapon with a yield of between 10 and 20 kilotonnes.The weapon dropped on Nagasaki in 1945 was a 23 kilotonne bomb..the Americans,Russia,France and the UK have tested weapons with a yield in excess of 50 Mega tonnes. The world war three would continue for full three years. Ukraine. Is Donald trump going to start world war 3? Poking wars are going to start world war 3. God should feel that an individual is worth saving and this can only happen if the person demonstrates the potential to undertake spiritual practice and become a seeker. Answer Save. Just a bit of fun. have predicted turbulent and distressing times ahead, of cataclysmic proportions,  and they have also mentioned the start of World War 3. If world war 3 would start now then most likely it will start with an EMP attack, followed by a nuclear strike, large-scale bombing, devaluation of the currency, destroyed infrastructure, civil unrest, mass emigration and it will all end up in famine. There is another war coming. How do ghosts cause disasters, diseases and social upheavals? World War 3 - Before the Start The events leading up to World War 3. I had repeated intuitions of world war occurring around 2003, 2006 then 2012 and now after a gap of about 10 years world is most likely to witness start of world war 3 by 2022. Situation resembles build up to World War II Indeed, the appeasement itself and lackluster response draws close parallels to the world’s response in the face of German aggression in the 1930’s. Prophet Nostradamus, who accurately predicted Hitler and 9/11, claims that World War 3 will start in 2019. While there is nothing to suggest such … SSRF conducted spiritual research from 2006, to find out the possibility of beginning of World war 3, when it could happen and what would follow afterwards. Widespread conflict to bring the entire region into the flames of war, possibly triggered by Iran or militants in Pakistan using North Korean supplied nuclear arms. Henry Kissinger said "If You Can't Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf". Revelation 19:11-21 ESV / 49 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The only way to reverse this trend and avoid this destruction is to increase the Sattva subtle component in the world and reduce the Raja and Tama subtle components. Those who fought in past wars or witnessed it will resist any attempt to start another war. The first usage appears in its 3 November 1941 issue (preceding the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941) under its "National Affairs" section and entitled "World War III?" Massive casualties. The war will last a total of 12 years! Relevance. A Three World War scenario was developed several decades ago (see Conspiratorial History).Two World Wars have already been achieved, and the Third and final World War envisions an attack on Iraq, Iran and/or Syria as being the trigger to set the entire Middle East into fiery conflagration. Our modern day bible teachers say that Russia will escalate the Syrian conflict into a war between Russia and Turkey (along with the West). See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, Robert Farley. Spine-chilling and Heart-stopping World War 3 Predictions. These 5 Nations Could Win World War III. What has Boris Johnson said? While most American networks, if not all, were focused on the banal speech that Trump read, few, if any, paid any attention to what King Salman said introducing Trump. WhatsApp. DON'T MISS A witness with a military background and a position of influence within the City of London has come forward and offered Bill Ryan of Project Camelot a view into Illuminati plans for World War III. But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many” (Daniel 11:40, 42-44). Main stages of World War 3 and the subtle battle, The seed of intense domestic quarrels sown in society, The seed of an increase in anti-social elements in society, The seed of an increase in malpractices in places of worship which accelerate the increase of, The seed of the beginning of destruction of places of worship. A lot of predictions have been made regarding World War 3 by some of the greatest seers in the world… Winston Churchill in 1942. Prediction about the severity of World War 3, Main stages of World War 3 and the subtle battle. Twitter. newspaper archive. What happenned was that China started hacking into secret classified files in teh US. With all the confilct in the world at the moment, when do you think world war 3 will start? Bible verses about World War 3. Ordo ab Chao. Based on the new law "The world wide web as you know it is part of the US government. There is no respite from this trend and it does not show any signs of slowing down. In the following table, the timeline of events is described leading to psychological war which culminates in 2018 and the actual physical World War 3 which will start in 2019. The subtle world refers to the unseen world of angels, ghosts, heaven, etc. But if World War 3 were to happen, it might be humanity's biggest battle yet. A MYSTIC who says he foresaw Donald Trump’s presidency has now predicted the EXACT date World War 3 will start. (Hydrogen bombs)North Korea has at present one potential delivery system for its … There is even news  which speculating if the World war 3 has already started? The short answer to this question is ‘no’, the World War 3 predictions will come true - though the intensity and timeline of World War 3 and natural disasters may vary. Answer Save. So, What Is Our Deal With Russia? Alright, so here goes the all-important question; Is World War 3 happening anytime soon? The time and intensity can be adjusted depending on who are making efforts; if the forces of evil are making more efforts then the intensity will be more. Spiritually evolved subtle-bodies from the higher positive regions of the Universe will also enter this battle to overcome the forces of evil. The next world war will be one of necessity, it wil be for the Earth's last remaining resources. Iran and the US, plus Russia and India have experienced growing tensions. The spiritual forces at work that are orchestrating worldwide events such as World War 3 and the increase in natural disasters. Saints of the highest level in India are doing all they can to increase the Sattva component in the world so that it will help reduce the intensity of World War 3. When that happens, they are much less inclined to start a war with one another. The world has been experiencing an increasing trend of natural disasters, terrorist activities, war and political upheavals over the recent past. The US detected this got pissed. The following table compares the severity between the various World Wars taking into account both the subtle and physical aspects. Needless to say, in a highly-interconnected world, all countries will be affected. Aided by higher-level negative energies, the downslide of society quickly increased in intensity and speed. We also recommend that you read our World War 3 survival guide. Iran and the US, plus Russia and India have experienced growing tensions. Conversely if many people start spiritual practice, the intensity of the calamitous times could lessen. Whenever the spiritual impurity (Raja and Tama) builds up on Earth, it increases the instability in people and the environment. By. Read full article. We initially published this article in 2006, and from 2015 we have provided an additional rough guideline about events that will unfold. It is a war of good vs evil, it is a battle between spiritual purity versus spiritual impurity. The wars that will be fought within that period will all be linked. Spiritual research has revealed that in the battle that is unfolding, India will hold centre stage from a spiritual perspective. Out of panic of a nuclear war starting, 9 countries will get involved. Refer to the section on whether World War 3 can be avoided. We are losing the war, badly. At that time people usually say the words ‘O God’. President Trump’s foreign policy stood at odds with those of his predecessor, and will likely a central point of contestation in the election. North korea is in no position to start world war 3.It's recent atomic test used a weapon with a yield of between 10 and 20 kilotonnes.The weapon dropped on Nagasaki in 1945 was a 23 kilotonne bomb..the Americans,Russia,France and the UK have tested weapons with a yield in excess of 50 Mega tonnes. As the Sattva component increases weather patterns will gradually normalize. However, it may not be obvious to the world. we shall poke on the internet we shall poke on facebook we shall never surrender By Irvin Baxter The question is not, “Is there going to be a World War III?” It is in your Bible. A number of seers such as Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, etc. With the increasing amount of conflicts all around the world in recent times, a new World War seems to be just around the corner. We have also researched whether there are events in the spiritual dimension behind these alarming trends and what lies ahead for humanity. Fears of World War 3 began after the killing of an Iranian top general in a US air strike. When will World War 3 start? There will be a total of 7.8 million casualties. These powerful countries are struggling to contain coronavirus and China is making full use of the mayhem across the world as it implements its strategy for World War III. The rise in natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and volcanoes will be primarily due to the rise in spiritual impurity fuelled by unrighteousness on Earth. The world war three would continue for full three years. WORLD War 3 has been trending on Twitter after the US assassinated Iran's top general Qasem Soleimani. I had repeated intuitions of world war occurring around 2003, 2006 then 2012 and now after a gap of about 10 years world is most likely to witness start of world war 3 by 2022. The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. World; World War 3 Will Start Suddenly and Without Warning. The Third World War will begin in 2015 and continue for about 9 years till 2023. TL;DR Answer: Russia and the U.S. are fighting over who is the … Well, all possible signs that could lead to an all-out war have been triggered. It will be the worst war ever. The following is the timetable of the subtle battle which will occur during the Third World War and the establishment of the ‘Divine Kingdom’ from the perspective of the forces of good and evil. The people and events that will precipitate World War 3 will be under the control of higher level negative energies known as subtle-sorcerers (māntriks). LONDON - England - Analysts at a secretive agency for the analysis of war, have analysed the data regarding World War 3 and revealed their analytical analysis of their findings. The purpose of this article is to provide information uncovered through spiritual research about: Unknown to most people, the universe is in the midst of a subtle-battle of epic proportions. Another world war is coming, and it will be the biggest world war ever. The SSRF defines the word 'subtle world' or 'spiritual dimension' as the world which is beyond the understanding of the five senses, mind and intellect. The Third World War will be triggered mainly due to religious fanaticism. World War 3 - Before the Start The events leading up to World War 3. Examples of a few mechanisms have been provided that have already been set into motion from the subtle regions by higher level negative energies. The ongoing civil war in Ukraine may not be regularly grabbing global headlines, but it was … 8 Answers. We're forgetting that it's far more likely for a person like Trump to slowly and quietly destroy the world through non-interference and climate-damaging policy. However, the intensity and timeline of events may change. This article has not been published with the intention to alarm society, but to alert and caution it with precise World War 3 predictions. Brave Vladimir Putin is determined to destroy the Illuminati, describing the destruction of the world’s most elusive organisation as the ‘most important legacy’ he could possibly leave behind, and according to Kremlin sources he understands the role of Islam in the Illuminati’s plan to start World War 3. When World War 3 actually starts, there will be minimal coverage by the media and the events leading up to initial incursions will be seen as not interesting enough to even report. There will be an unprecedented loss of life where approximately 50% of the population will perish. ... With all the confilct in the world at the moment, when do you think world war 3 will start? Higher-level negative energies will use this vulnerability in people to push them over the edge and instigate nations to go to war with each other. None are particularly likely, but … They conclude that this is the start of World War III. With the increasing amount of conflicts all around the world in recent times, a new World War seems to be just around the corner. In fact, only a fraction of the battle will be experienced on Earth at the physical level. Relevance. This current trend will culminate in the increased intensity of natural disasters and the Third World War. Jack. Please let us see what the Bible is actually telling us. Especially lately we see a high increase in the news relating to the possibility of World War 3, and possible places where World war 3 could start. However, this fraction itself will be catastrophic enough and will be the cause of mass destruction. In some cases where religions preach violence towards society and where people practice such doctrines, they regress spiritually and create adverse severe destiny for themselves. Spiritual progress is said to occur only when one practises Spirituality in accordance with the six basic principles of spiritual practice. I can’t tell you exactly when this is going to happen, but the Bible tells us where World War III will originate. Evil-doers and anti-social elements in society are eliminated at the physical, psychological and spiritual levels. About 400,000 American soldiers died in the 43 months we fought in World War II; 203,000 Americans died in the first 7 months of World War III. But the Bible doesn’t tell that story. Favourite answer. This war is spiritual in nature and is about spiritually cleansing the world; therefore, those who have a higher proportion of the Sattva component in them will be spared. Human history has been full of battles and wars, some big and some small. “When something goes wrong or when we are about to die, we remember God. As the run up to World War 3 reaches its final stages, the timeline for specific events may change depending on various factors given in Section 6 - Can World War 3 be avoided? Our enemy is the SARS-Cov-2 virus, which causes COVID-19. No picture or text may be duplicated or copied without the express written permission of the editor of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation. The Third World War will begin in 2015 and continue for about 9 years till 2023. The Planned World War 3 - A Play in Numerous Acts World War Three in Brief. World War 3, also known as the Third World War, refers to the next possible worldwide military conflict. 5.1 Who is behind World War 3 and what will trigger its commencement? This has been due to several factors such as the increased intensity of personality defects in people, a high focus on materialism, a lack of spiritual practice (as per Universal spiritual principles) and negative energies from the spiritual dimension affecting and possessing people to act as per their wishes. Answer Save. Apparently the Illuminati plan to use nuclear and biological weapons to cement their control of the world and reduce the world’s population to a “manageable” size. Against the will of the rest of the world, the U.S. and Russia will invade Israel (this is where it's going to take place. Keeping the social system in an excellent condition, Bringing about the worldly progress of every living being. which can only be perceived through our sixth sense. The war will be fought between NATO Members and Russia/China Coalition. Towards the end of this period, weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons will be used. 9 years ago. "That kind of misperception situation is definitely possible, and that’s how wars start," Saideman said, going on to compare Europe today with 1914, just before World War I. Albert Spike - April 16, 2018. To be honest I hope not for a long time but with the problems of the world It could be anytime!!!! 7. Who are the forces of good fighting this subtle-battle? As the world moves closer towards this catastrophic event, Saints of the highest level on Earth are doing everything to help humanity to protect themselves and reduce the intensity of the World War. When Is world War 3 Going to start? As the United States enters an election year, prospects for global stability remain uncertain. Towards the end of this period, weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons will be used. Of those, America has 11 -- more than half of the world's total. Jack. The mystic believes World War 3 will end on the 100th anniversary of that date. Causing progress in the spiritual realm as well. In the end, this war is not about one country defeating another and preserving their way of life. As stated earlier, the battle in the physical realm, i.e., on Earth is mostly due to events in the spiritual dimension. Humankind will experience this fraction of the battle in the form of increased natural disasters and World War 3 where weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons will be used. Religions that preach that their way is the only way to God and try to convert others to their faith by force or bribery run the risk of violating the six basic principles of spiritual practice and hence negate the spiritual efforts of the people who follow such practices. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Highly-Interconnected World, all possible signs that could lead to an all-out free-for-all World refers to the next years! Hacking into secret classified files in teh US recommend that you read our World 3... 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