With the permission of Highmarshal Kaladin’s old team, she’d embedded their old bridge in the center of the deck as a symbol. Why speak in riddles? I hope you enjoy xx. “Come on,” he said. “I think she’d have me thrown off if I tried to prevent her from enjoying this moment.”, “Can’t she enjoy it from the center of the platform? The Rhythm of the War Drums EuropasKiss. Moving his fingers was like trying to bend steel. “Well well,” she said in a growling, low-pitched voice. Then the request had come from Kaladin. “Not particularly fast, compared to your best ships.”, “Pardon, Brightness,” he said. Were they going too well? Right front, she thought. Kaladin’s assumption that he could beat them easily had relied on his Shardspear and his powers. Veil stepped up to Ialai Sadeas. “And can you do it?”, “Lie down. “Though Edgedancers generally do that job now.”, “Oh. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”. Yet it has taken them so long to attack me in my chambers.” She looked right at Veil. It opened into the shadowed alley between buildings. “Shallan,” she said, putting the pouch into her satchel, which a soldier fetched for her from beside the wall. You sure you want to control right now? “They tried to escape out the side door as we burst in, but I think we managed to round them all up.”. Vathah was too rough. Shallan knew of blackbane herself. Radiant wasn’t certain—subtlety wasn’t her strong suit—but Shallan approved. Dalinar had no authority here, and though the Lightweaving she’d stuck to Adolin would keep him from being recognized, she wasn’t certain he could risk moving in the open. A short time later, they all went trudging out through the quickly vanishing fog. Get up. There were also numerous slave pens. You rely too much on your powers. “Kaladin!” Syl said, flitting around him. The end construction was little more than a large wooden rectangle: over a hundred feet long, sixty feet wide, and around forty feet thick to support three decks. Lewis’. Windrunners darted through the sky to watch for potential problems. Kaladin’s Stormlight would run out quickly at this rate. (U.K. readers, click here.). “Well,” Adolin said, “with her in custody, perhaps we can get her armies to stand down. We know from Lirin's opening chapter that the epigraphs of Part One of Rhythm of War is going to be from a speech on fabrial mechanics Navani gives to the Coalition of Monarchs. “What are you…” Lirin trailed off as an enormous dark shadow emerged from the fog, a vehicle of incredible size flying slowly through the air. Is this who we want to be with our powers? Instead, the Three dismissed her Blade. I was listening to your scholars talk, and they were guessing the ship made about five knots on average.”. Navani covered a smile. I’m going to keep reminding you until you acknowledge how intelligent I am. “So that’s the Alethi word for them. Perfect for people who want to maintain appearances before others. “Where did he go?”, “To check whether that parshman you sliced is actually dead.”, “Of course he did,” Kaladin said with a sigh. “But we don’t have to beat him. They appeared chagrined, but Navani waved them off. He felt a phantom pain from his neck, where the Fused had plunged his dagger into Kaladin’s spine over and over. Radiant was the one who emerged, however. She’d ask some pointed questions later about why they’d been so lax as to let this man sneak up the steps to the command station. “There!” she said, forming a ribbon of light pointing the way toward what she’d seen. People did odd things around Radiants. Something big is coming today, and I don’t want them to panic.”, “Are you going to go talk to your father?”, Kaladin hesitated, then glanced across the foggy field toward the refugees. “No captain’s cabin and barely a handful of bolted-down desks for a command station.”, “She is an odd ship, to be sure,” the elderly sailor replied. With that contrast, Shallan had an urge to draw him, so Veil stepped back and let Shallan emerge to take a Memory of him for her collection. That was still a decidedly odd experience, for all that she tried to encourage him. Kaladin narrowly avoided it, Lashing himself downward as the Fused formed and reached for him. For much of Alethi history, common soldiers had been encouraged to throw themselves at Shardbearers. No, we can’t think of that. “This is going to look bad, isn’t it? Lirin spotted Kaladin approaching, and his lips tightened. It wasn’t that her husband didn’t respect her—he’d proven on numerous occasions that he did. She wants to depose Jasnah and put Elhokar’s son on the throne.”, “And she’d be guiding him,” Shallan said. “I’m ready,” Kaladin called. The Fused let out an urk of shock and pain, his eyes wide. I’m fine.”. Adolin and the others were coming in, Shallan thought. Hesina gestured toward a nearby building nestled between two homes, one of the wooden sheds for farming equipment. The shoe merchant finally approached her—a stout fellow with a beard striped with white. That made Veil worry, of course. “I know,” Kaladin said, waving toward the sky. And he had to admit he felt more upbeat. Of course, it hadn’t been her math that had finally made this ship a reality. And now they were just going to take her in to play more games? Every other bottle destroyed in a fire. Ialai stood up, letting her wine cup roll off the table and shatter on the floor. The first book in the series, The Way of Kings, was published in 2010. As soon as Kaladin landed, the singers released Waber and the others, then retreated through the broken hole in the stone wall. Instead there was a fruity scent mixed with the faint stench of alcohol. You’ll know I don’t play games.” She leaned in and poked him in the chest with her reed. Wait… was that a fabrial? Dalinar had made the decision, and the Fourth Bridge had changed course toward Alethkar. The words seemed odd coming from its mouth. Work on this vessel had helped sustain her during the months following his death. She had to plan storming treason. So, instead of continuing, Kaladin flew down as well. He rubbed his brow, but then—perhaps seeing the little anxietyspren that appeared near her, like a twisting black cross—smiled. She can be extremely secretive with her projects—not because she fears someone stealing them, but because she relishes a dramatic reveal.”, “I cannot give away my sources,” Shallan said. “This ship is faster than an army marching at double time—yet it brings your troops in fresh and provides its own mobile high ground for archery support.”, Navani couldn’t refrain from beaming with pride. So, maybe it was better that they stayed strictly in character. The man was trying to reach Godeke—perhaps to use him as a hostage. “What good does it do to package an inferior wine with such a fine label?”, “It might fool some, for a time,” Ialai said. Principal Nezu and All Might make an announcement. The part of Kaladin trained by his father considered the wound analytically. And something more. But… Ialai had spoken like that plan was in the past, as if she were now fighting only for survival. This is exactly what the Blackthorn didn’t want. “That is a very strange fabrial.”. A dozen Edgedancers flowed out toward the town. Navani focused on the problem at hand: making certain each person was settled and comfortable in the most economical and orderly way possible. One of the soldiers translated. Today it had come to the singer who had attacked him. “This air transport is merely an additional tool.”, “Perhaps, perhaps. Publisher's Summary. Townspeople had started to drift out of their homes to see what all the ruckus was about. Veil asked. Ishnah and the soldiers—Adolin’s men, hand-picked from among his finest—led the disguised and bound Ialai out the door. Was the Sibling dead like the souls of Shardblades that still walked around? Kaladin swept his hand at the thing’s neck, Syl forming as a side sword. Stormlight churned inside Kaladin, daring him to move, to act, to fight. “A hundred pairs?” the man asked, perking up. Veil relaxed, letting Shallan take over. Lirin had covered the corpse with a shroud. Other than the one dying slowly from the gut wound, he’d left only two alive—the one he’d shoved, and the fifth one, across the room, who had activated the fabrial. If it was to be wordplay, then she should be the one in control. What in the Stormfather’s unknown name? Kaladin immediately launched himself upward, narrowly avoiding the grasp of the Fused that formed from the light beneath him. “I’ve seen someone die like that before, Brightness,” he explained. Shallan scrambled out, feeling a sense of dread. “Did she confess to you?”, “She danced around it,” Shallan said, “but I think I can make a case to Dalinar that what she said constitutes treason. Shouts sounded outside the room. But each time, Herdaz stood strong, relentlessly harrying the enemy. Though Herdaz had eventually fallen, the blood toll exacted on the enemy had been remarkably high. Shallan nodded, waving over Gaz and Red. But with the need for delicate maneuvers today, they’d moved the tables out and bolted them to the deck in the right front corner of the platform. She gave Kaladin a side hug, holding little Oroden—who reached out his hands for Kaladin to take him. Rather than bother the engineers or soldiers, Navani drifted over to Kmakl, the Thaylen prince consort. Overall. Kaladin raised his spear to challenge the Fused to single combat, an action that always worked with the Heavenly Ones. “Don’t worry. Chapter Text. I have reason to suspect a larger force of Fused is on its way here.”. It took only a moment, then Kaladin launched into the air. Just shadowed hills. “Well done!” Syl said as he left the shed. Here—as opposed to the Shattered Plains or Urithiru—things grew. Usually Radiant was as funny as… As…, Usually Radiant is as lighthearted as a chasmfiend, Shallan offered, bleeding to the front of their personality. He wasn’t being reborn each time—he was teleporting, but using the ribbon of light to transfer between locations. Lots of stuff to cover. The Fused had torn a hole in the wall around a side entrance of the manor. Look for the rarest vintage. No offense.”. But he said nothing more, instead turning to give her airship a proper nod of respect. The slave Kaladin had been would have laughed himself silly to hear that this new Kaladin—lighteyed Shardbearer, a man who enjoyed luxurious housing and warm meals—was upset about a little lost sleep. We need to leave.”, “Leave?” Lirin said. I'll let you all know if anything ever happens with it.) Rhythm of War consists of one prologue, 117 chapters, 12 interludes and an epilogue. She did doodles along the sides of the margins as she worked, even if it wasn’t quite in character. Not out of annoyance, but more… a kind of general fatigue. But he’ll eventually be revealed as a fraud, and his creation will be discarded in favor of a truly strong or noble vintage.”, “You make bold claims,” Shallan said. Let’s have at it.”, The creature, shadowed inside the building, growled something in his own rhythmic language. “I—” Kaladin stopped himself and took a long, deep breath. We’re flying. A flash of pain and white light disrupted Kaladin’s sight. The Fused heaved upward, using his powerful upper-body strength to climb up Kaladin’s uniform. But they could send flashes of light that could be interpreted. Had she done this? “And abandon his men?” Kaladin asked, aghast. The tall fellow gestured to the rear of the shed, to where a shadowed figure—shrouded in his cloak—had settled against the wall. Then the sourness. Something increasingly common these days. We also take a look at the official cover of the US edition of Rhythm of War, and get pretty excited about the epigraph and last week's annotation, and of course, the chapter itself. What are the Ghostbloods trying to do?”. A pure note vibrating through her. Navani stepped away from the ledge and walked to the command station. “I have more questions for you.”, Ialai kept her eyes closed. The creature was strong. A little clumsy, Veil noted. Storms, could she trust these two? Kaladin dropped the Sylblade and focused on trying to push the enemy away. Go alert the other Windrunners, and I’ll send word for the Edgedancers to hasten the evacuation.”, Kaladin nodded. “You’re… Chanasha Hasareh, aren’t you? “You don’t survive like the Mink has without learning to wiggle out of situations others could never escape,” the tall Herdazian said. The middle-aged scholar wore tight braids against the wind. She revised her assessment, then glanced toward the Cobalt Guardsmen who were belatedly rushing up from the sides the ship. Veil turned a corner and strolled down another street. “I do not intend to be queen,” she eventually said. Another Sadeas corpse on our hands.”, Adolin drew in a long deep breath. “Which one are you?” he asked quietly, a pouch of infused spheres. That was Waber, the manor’s gardener, being held against the ground with a boot to his face. “Damnation!” Adolin said, standing helpless above the body. At least not completely. So that's what you did. His old bridge had been embedded to be flush with the rest of the deck. The lives that could be saved that way…”, “An ingenious application,” Dalinar said. “You must think us very disorganized, Admiral,” Navani said to him in Thaylen. When in motion, they couldn’t write full instructions—spanreeds had trouble with that. It tasted sharply sweet, like a dessert wine. It is… exotic.”, “Don’t give me riddles,” the Three said. Our Privacy Notice has been updated to explain how we use cookies, which you accept by continuing to use this website. She had undertaken this mission for… the good of Alethkar. Things seemed to be going so well. “If we were spotted on our way here—”, “—because we were spotted, they’ll send more than just one Fused. He had probably used one of those as a dagger when attacking Kaladin’s back. Shallan thought, kneeling beside the corpse. So if she was getting light-headed…. Text (c) 2020 by Brandon Sanderson Production (p) 2020 by Macmillan Audio Check your preferred audiobook retailer for availability. As they approached Hearthstone, they found a scene of relative order. Could they really serve Dalinar Kholin by acting against his explicit orders? And…. “Come on.”. a perky voice said in Shallan’s mind. Only, everyone had given up on Herdaz. Kaladin kept moving, almost without thought, spearing the fourth soldier in the neck. “Radiants! So I can’t try that. Generals taught that the slightest chance of earning a Shard was worth the incredible risk. Rations that would keep for a long trip. “I guess if you catch him before he teleports, you really can kill him.”. They weren’t as separate as they’d been, and swapped personas easily. The reaction disturbed Kaladin. Kaladin dropped his spear, pulled a throwing knife off his belt, and turned. Each one looked identical, with hair as a kind of clothing. Finally, one of his men moved over and shook the man’s shoulder. Read Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson: Prologue and Chapter One. Everything. Lirin, on the other hand, was balding, with the rest of his hair kept very short. Even lingering near a dark alleyway—one she knew her marks frequented—drew no attention. That forced his head up, making it difficult to see the Fused, let alone get leverage against him. He attacked in a burst of three each time. He left a body behind each time his soul—or whatever—became a ribbon of red light. They had built high walls and a roof on the rear portion of the upper deck. The Rhythm of the War Drums EuropasKiss. The younger man had that unruly hair falling in a natural curl. Next week we’ll try not having feet. “Also, your Kaladin voice sounds more like Teft.”. “You want to fight me, Fused? Why… it would be illegal to avoid tariffs.”, “Illegal only if we accept that Kholin has authority to demand these tariffs. Don’t know what I think of serving an Alethi. He soared down toward where the townspeople were being threatened by the strange Fused and his soldiers. The singer nodded, humming a conciliatory sound. “Well, I know a lot. Levity, from Radiant? “I don’t know. I ran him off, but I have no doubt we’ll soon encounter more resistance.”, Dalinar tried to remain stoic, but Navani could see his disappointment in the downturn of his lips. Carefully, he walked over to the lump that remained of the Fused. Another realm, filled with beads of glass and candle flames floating in place of people’s souls. I was told to twist the gemstone at the base to activate it.”, “That’s Voidlight powering it,” Syl said. Stream Rhythm of Previews: Rhythm of War Prologue through Chapter 3 by Shardcast from desktop or your mobile device “A wonderful vintage, but the last of its kind. There, near an overturned table, fiddling with something that glowed a deep violet-black. [1] Shallan took Ialai by the arm, then breathed out and let the Lightweaving surround her, changing the woman to look like one of the sketches Shallan had done recently—a kitchen woman with rosy cheeks and a wide smile. She stopped almost immediately, preventing the sword from coalescing. “See if you can find evidence if this was self-inflicted, or if someone else killed her.”. Awful, no matter how it may appear.”, “To what end?” Shallan asked. He Lashed himself upward slightly, enough to make him lighter on his feet, then inched into the burning building. Townspeople clustered together, gawking upward as Kaladin and the other Windrunners backed them off to provide room for the landing. Kaladin’s Light was renewed, wisps of it steaming off his skin, visible even in daylight. Stormwardens trying to sell lists of coming storms and their dates. Strengthened by the Light, Kaladin grabbed the soldier and lifted him up, infusing him enough to make him hang in the air. “Brightness? Kaladin sighed, drawing in a few more spheres’ worth of his Stormlight. Kaladin Lashed himself directly away from the light, picking up speed. The Light resisted, as it did when applied to Fused, but Kaladin had enough to push through the resistance. She took a long drink and tried to pretend to be doing ledgers. I'm really glad that the scene ended up the way it did. Urithiru was high in the mountains, where it was too cold to grow plants—yet the tower had numerous fields. His Stormlight had apparently run out. “How’s he taking it?”, “He sulked for a good two weeks,” Syl said, “but I think he’s mostly over it.”, “And he doesn’t ever answer questions about his personal life,” Hesina said. Instead she’d rather alarmingly found her way to enough power to simply do as she chose. Shallan had been engaging in this entire conversation assuming that Ialai knew her for an operative of Dalinar. She strolled through the warcamp market, in full disguise, idling by shops. Though Stormlight urged him to move, he stilled himself and watched the fog, searching for signs of the Fused. Good. She was increasingly certain the tower had once been powered by that pillar, as this flying ship was powered by the gemstones her engineers had embedded within the hull. “Is there anything that interests you, Brightness?” he asked. I should have believed the stories. “Five knots,” Navani said. There were civilians in the area, including several very dear to him. Kaladin felt hot breath on his cheek as the creature stabbed again and again. Air became a roar around him, and by the fifth Lashing, he was fast enough that the red light couldn’t keep up, and dwindled behind. Kaladin hadn’t seen Lift sneak into the room—but then again, she often showed up where one did not expect her. It wasn’t a ship so much as a gigantic floating platform. The tower city of Urithiru had an enormous gemstone construction at its heart—a crystal pillar, a fabrial unlike any she’d ever seen. Unfortunately, striking against Ialai’s fortress would be more dangerous than jumping a group of conspirators in the chasm. His spear vanished and Syl reappeared, standing in the air in front of him. “Don’t mind the ramblings of a grouchy old sailor. “You all right?”, He climbed to his feet. But the soldiers quickly rushed to surround him, cutting off his retreat. “I know a little about blackbane though…” She blushed. They did not belong to Mraize. He didn’t need leverage, however. Index [ edit | edit source ] Prologue: To Question “The holds aren’t luxurious, but there’s space enough for hundreds.”. “…Stormblessed?” Lirin asked. The specific techniques employed by each artifabrian guild are closely guarded secrets, entrusted only to their most senior members. From the chest of the hutch if anything ever happens with it. after missing the! Larger force of Fused is on Venli, with the same heal quickly nearby building nestled two... Guardsmen who were belatedly rushing up from the sides the ship on your,! Have done your work correctly, the young Windrunner stepped across the with. Sturdy ; some of my more… overeager followers perpetuate. ”, Dalinar nodded head... Ones will come for me here very nature of deity she often showed up one! 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