Hermes was sure that Dionysus was going to entangle everyone with grapevines or something similar. Demeter had one daughter, Persephone or Core, whom she adored. Such a comely, youthful god was usually quite successful with nymphs and women. He had a dual nature; on one hand, he brought joy and divine ecstasy; or he would bring brutal and blinding rage, thus reflecting the dual nature of wine.Dionysus On board the ship the pirates tried to chain him, but their attempt was fruitless, for the shackles kept falling off. Persephone had languished in Hades' realm, eating nothing and grieving. His primary means of transportation was a chariot pulled by horses. Among her inventions were the trumpet, the flute, the pot, the rake, the plow, the yoke, the bridle, the ship, and the chariot. Dionysus has disgusting damage when built around because it scales so well with lots and lots of poms. And Poseidon challenged Athena to combat. The twin sister of Apollo, Artemis was the virgin-huntress, a goddess of the chase and forest creatures. It has a lot of nice duos, especially with the Zeus (applies lighting damage to anyone in the fog). Also his duo with Zeus when combined with jolted effects is just ridiculous, Some day I hope to get ice wine in conjunction as well, to get the ideal flash freeze dio cast. Just as Artemis was about to kill the hapless girl, Zeus changed Callisto into a bear and set her up in heaven as the constellation of Ursa Major. Removing #book# Dionysus I typically run support-only, trying to pick up Strong Drink in basically any run where I have him and then if possible Premium Vintage or Positive Outlook. In his representations he was depicted as a nude, beardless young man of handsome proportions, and he was often shown with a bow and quiver or a lyre. Unlike the other gods, both deities must undergo great suffering, Demeter through the loss of her daughter and Dionysus through his own dismemberment. A common theme of these myths was that mortals who infringed the rights of the gods suffered terrible punishments. She said that no harm would befall him unless he revealed her secret tryst with him. When Hephaestus had furnished these Apollo went in search of Python. Poseidon rebelled against Zeus, but his plots against him were unsuccessful. The boy was killed, but where his blood fell there sprang up the hyacinth flower bearing the boy's initials. He grew into a handsome youth, and Persephone took him for a lover. Poseidôn, pronounced [poseːdɔ̂ːn]) was one of the Twelve Olympians in ancient Greek religion and myth, god of the sea, storms, earthquakes and horses. In retaliation Apollo killed Zeus's armorers, the Cyclopes. He was the only Olympic god that had one parent that was a mortal (his mother Semele). Then the male gods sided with Poseidon, while the goddesses favored Athena. Summary and Analysis: Babylonian Mythology, The Beginnings — Prometheus and Man, and The Five Ages of Man and the Flood, The Beginnings — Poseidon, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hermes, Demeter, and Dionysus, The Heroes — Perseus, Bellerophon, and Heracles, The Tragic Dynasties — Crete: The House Of Minos, The Tragic Dynasties — Mycenae: The House Of Atreus, The Tragic Dynasties — Thebes: The House of Cadmus, The Tragic Dynasties — Athens: The House of Erichthonius, The Trojan War — The Preliminaries, The Course of the War, The Fall of Troy, and The Returns, Patriotic Legends — Aeneas and Romulus and Remus, Love Tales — Pyramus and Thisbe, Baucis and Philemon, Pygmalion, Vertumnus and Pomona, Hero and Leander, Cupid and Psyche, The Norse Gods — Odin, Thor, Balder, Frey, Freya, and Loki, Merlin, King Arthur, Gawain, Launcelot, Geraint, Tristram, Percivale, the Grail Quest, and the Passing of Arthur's Realm. Hephaestus was infatuated with his beautiful bride, but apparently she was less than enchanted with him, for she took the virile Ares, god of war, as her lover. Even if you need to keep your distance at times, you can have the festive fog up and continuously deal damage. But at his mother's pleading she gave him the gift of prophecy to compensate for blindness. He was a shepherd god as well and protected flocks. Demeter instituted the Eleusinian Mysteries, a religious cult that apparently believed in reincarnation. Rather, the goal is to maximize DPS and finish the game quickly since you generally have Tight Deadlines 2 or 3. In these myths of the gods we can locate the source of conflict in a keen sense of honor. From its shell Hermes created the lyre, and with it he lulled his mother Maia to sleep, which left him free to do as he pleased. Aphrodite, on learning of his comeliness, went to the underworld to retrieve Adonis, and a squabble arose between the two goddesses. A son of the titans, … CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Still brooding about her daughter's loss, the goddess laid a curse on the earth that caused every plant to wither. Cared for by mountain nymphs, the god invented wine and in time he grew to maturity. As a deity of light he helped to ripen crops, destroy pests, and heal illnesses. Thus it is natural that Poseidon be tempestuous as the god of the sea, or that Artemis be mannish as the goddess of the forest, or that Hermes be clever as a god of commerce and thievery, or that Aphrodite be seductive as the goddess of love, and so on. When Apollo won he flayed the poor satyr to death and nailed his skin to a tree. Hephaestus then told his wife he was going away for a few days, and Aphrodite summoned Ares. Before long he came across a splendid herd of cattle that belonged to Apollo, so he promptly stole the herd and disguised the tracks so that no one could trace him. In return for their hospitality Demeter decided to make the infant immortal by secret rites. However, the nymph Thetis brought Briareus, the fifty-headed monster, to guard Zeus, and this effectively quashed the rebellion. I'm never safer on a run than when I enter every room with 40-50% health. Finally he got wind of their whereabouts and found two cow hides at Hermes' dwelling. As Adonis' blood fell to the ground anemone flowers sprang forth. He was the god of wine, which was a very important part of the culture of ancient Greece. Psychedelic and hypnotic visuals pulsate to the music. bookmarked pages associated with this title. athena, hermes, venus, poseidon, zeus, dionysus, artemis, hephaestus, demeter, apollo, and discover more than 12 Million Professional Graphic Resources on Freepik Dionysus was the god of fertility and wine, later considered a patron of the arts.He created wine and spread the art of viticulture. But Apollo browbeat Hermes into a full confession. One day as Apollo was instructing the boy in discus-throwing Zephyrus seized the missile in mid-air and hurled it against Hyacinthus' head. Aphrodite was the goddess of love in all its forms, a protectress of marriage, the inspirer of ideal affection, and a deity of abandoned sexuality. Dio’s effects are good but not great. The Heroes — Perseus, Bellerophon, and Heracles. The Greeks were contentious and loved fights, contests, battles of wit, trials. Alternately, if you can stack a hangover boon up to level 10+ then you'll be doing very solid damage with it. That will give you a ton of invulnerability time and damage. The young also fell under her care, and because her mother Leto had delivered her without pain Artemis was called upon to help in childbirth. She was usually depicted in long robes carrying a bow and quiver, and she was accompanied by a troop of woodland nymphs. He ordered the whole group chained and imprisoned, against the sound advice of Teiresias the seer. Yet the result of his union with Aphrodite was Aeneas, a great hero. Moreover, in each tale the underworld plays an important part. Also the damage of knocking foes into barriers is great in Elysium and Satyr mazes. Poseidon also tried to claim Aegina from Zeus and Naxos from Dionysus, but fared no better. Indeed, Dionysus's name is found on Mycenean Linear B tablets as "DI-WO-NI-SO-JO", and Kerenyi traces him to Minoan Crete, where his Min… And one day as she was picking flowers Persephone wandered away from her companions to pick a strange but lovely narcissus plant. Hades had taken the maiden to be his queen, while Zeus had consented to it. In fact Ariadne bore him several children, and when she died he set the crown he had given her in the heavens as a token of his love for her. The girl contrived a union with the king and became pregnant. When you're more experienced, finishing a run isn't very much of a concern except at very high heat (32+). He could inspire men with lofty visions or degrade them into raving savages through his powers of intoxication. He was also a phallic god, and pillars with a head called herms were set up in front of Greek homes. Once their characters, functions, and deeds had been defined, the Greek gods really could not develop anymore. Demeter was heartsick at the loss and searched everywhere for her daughter in vain. No earthly power could shackle the god and his followers; they escaped easily. Athena took care of this infant, and eventually he became king of Athens and made Athena the chief deity of the city. Zephyrus, the West Wind, fell in love with the boy, too, and became very jealous of Apollo. Handsome, vigorous, immortal, these deities were exceedingly jealous of their own honor. His quarrelsome greed made him rather unpopular with the other Olympians. Most of them revolve around some conflict. It's really great to use on bosses, especially the last one. In disguise Aphrodite offered herself to the young man, who made love to her on his bed of furs. Another time Teiresias accidentally found Athena bathing, so she blinded him. Dionysus shines with more experience, using fast hitting weapons to stack up the dot and then moving onto the next mob to stack up the dot. One of those nymphs was Callisto, whom Zeus made love to in the guise of Artemis herself. A heaven full of proud deities is just as unstable as a country in which pride is rampant. His grudge against Odysseus is one theme in the Odyssey. Moreover, he changed himself into a lion and a bear, which terrified the crew. Nonetheless, Athena never felt the pangs of love and she remained a virgin. Thankfully another demigod was put to shame. After nine days of hunting she found Helios, the sun god, who told her what had happened. His wife is Ariadne, the daughter of King Midas. for greek mythology, ancient greece culture . The Greeks were a proud people, and they created gods and goddesses who lived by pride. Combined with other damage reduction like sturdy, or evasion boosts, you are much more efficient with Aphrodite. Yet while the gods gained in vividness and particularity from this process, they lost any transcendent quality they might have had and became almost parochial in their appeal. The idea is to push foes into traps. He was often accompanied by the Maenads, or Bacchantes: wild women carrying rods tipped with pine cones. Poseidon assisted the Greeks in the Trojan war. The master of the lyre and song, Apollo was especially vain about his musical prowess, and kept the Muses as part of his retinue. You should get Sea Storm and then every other relevant Poseidon and Zeus Boon.His Call is also great if you put a few levels into it and get Rip Current. The two met on the island of Naxos after Theseus left her stranded there. The god of the underworld, Hades, desired her. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Dionysus is the God of religious ecstasy, winemaking, wine, ritual madness, grape harvest, fertility, and theatre. But no one believed him because his mother was a mortal. The story of Demeter is connected to the annual birth and death of grain, while that of Dionysus is related to the cycle of the vine. Haloea and Women's Rites . Definitely not a goddess to be trifled with, Athena was once assaulted by the furious Ares, who struck her on her invincible breastplate, the aegis. KRONOIS (Cronois) The mother of the younger Kharites by Dionysos. On two occasions Apollo aroused the anger of his father, Zeus. If Zeus never lay with her he was tempted, and he punished her by making her fall in love with a mortal, the handsome Trojan prince, Anchises. He even posted a reward. Another brother of Zeus was Hades. Zeus would have sent Apollo to Tartarus except that Leto pleaded for her son. The cleverest and most precocious god was Hermes. isolated vector illustrations set., and discover more than 12 Million Professional Graphic Resources on Freepik Dionysus was never a great lover, but he did comfort the princess Ariadne after the hero Theseus had deserted her. Previous During the course of her pregnancy, the god's jealous wife Hera tricked Semele into asking Zeus to appear before her in his full glory. For all their glamour they became lifeless stereotypes. Hephaestus released Ares and never received the dowry, but neither did he divorce his wife. <>After his birth from the thigh … Accompanied by Maenads he visited Thebes, which was ruled by King Pentheus, his own cousin. The nymph Daphne was changed into a laurel tree by Mother Earth before Apollo could ravish her. Apollo was then given a year's servitude under King Admetus, for whom he performed great services. There's also one that makes you take less damage in the fog (Aphrodite I think). But some of his pursuits were failures. But the fact that Persephone and Dionysus are able to emerge from it, just as grain and grapes are reborn each year, holds out the hope of resurrection to mortals. Poseidon (/ p ə ˈ s aɪ d ən, p ɒ-, p oʊ-/; Greek: Ποσειδῶν, translit. The first time he had acted in consort with Hera, Poseidon, and other gods to dethrone Zeus, who had been unusually high-handed. Dionysus shattered Pentheus' palace and drove him mad. A god of intelligence, he invented the lyre, the pipes, the musical scale, astronomy, weights and measures, boxing, gymnastics, and the care of olive trees. But as Hermes arrived she took a bite of a pomegranate that Hades had given her and swallowed some of the seeds. The sources of these tales range from Homer to Ovid, a span of about eight hundred years. A randy bachelor, he seduced Phthia, Thalia, Coronis, Aria, Cyrene, and the nymph Dryope, having children by each. Dionysus insisted that he was always a god (maybe because he was born from Zeus’ thigh), and stories like the Tyrrhenian Pirates (told above) seem to confirm this. In his lunacy Pentheus decided to spy on the Maenads in their revels and went dressed as a woman. Gods like these would have found the Sermon on the Mount unintelligible. Apollo and Hermes jested about how they would not mind being caught in the net with such an attractive goddess; and Poseidon became enamored of Aphrodite and offered to guarantee payment of the dowry, should Ares default. Hephaestus then called upon the other gods to witness his naked wife and her lover in the trap he had laid. Fourteen Olympian Gods and their information are listed below: Dionysus showing you the ropes, or what? The god then resumed his true form and reassured the frightened helmsman that he had found favor with the son of Zeus and Semele. Proud of her beauty, Aphrodite took offense when a queen of Cyprus bragged that her daughter was more lovely. He was brought back to life, however, by the Titaness Rhea, his grandmother. His "native place" is Thebes. However, Zeus commanded him to withdraw from the battlefield, and he reluctantly obeyed. 2500 damage full call at level 1 (more damage than artemis full call, what a joke), Sweet Surrender providing some of the only multiplicative scaling in the game by being a % damage taken debuff, Crazy Duos like Smoldering Air, Heart Rend, Parting Shot, and Low Tolerance for a variety of builds. 6 Note however Hsch. Poseidon saved Amymone from a satyr. Although Athena invented the flute, she became disgusted with it when Hera and Aphrodite laughed at her swollen cheeks as she played it, so she threw the flute away and pronounced a curse on it. Four days after he was born Apollo called for a bow and arrows. Dionysus: Drunken Strike, Drunken Flourish, Trippy Shot (Trippy Flare), Drunken Dash, or Dionysus' Aid Poseidon : Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon… She also invented mathematics and excelled in the arts of cooking, spinning, and weaving. Poseidon (Neptune) Lord of the sea and also god of earthquakes and of horses. If Zeus never lay with her he was tempted, and he punished her by making her fall in love with a mortal, the handsome Trojan prince, Anchises. The temple was constructed to be Demeter's dwelling place. Dionysos was a son of Zeus and the princess Semele of Thebes. At length he managed to trap the serpent in a gorge by Parnassus and promptly slew the monster with his arrows. She bore children to the gods Hermes, Poseidon, and Dionysus, two of which were sexually abnormal. Dionysus was often called the 'twice born' because of the circumstances around his birth. Determined to retrieve her from the underworld, Dionysus went down, forced Death to stand aside, and brought Semele out of that gloomy region. Hera had sent the serpent Python to pursue Apollo's mother, Leto, during her pregnancy. Zeus's brother Poseidon gained control of the sea as his portion of the world. He was also faithful to the mother he had never seen. From that time on Aphrodite slept with many. On the way to get the cows Hermes took Apollo home and showed him the lyre he had made. But the best boon from Dionysus imo is Festive Fog. And just as he was about to cleave her Aphrodite changed the girl into a tree, and as the sword fell, splitting the tree, a child was born. I'm rarely unhappy with having him in my god lineup if I can get these. If you can then pick up rupture and +% boss damage you should be fine to kill bosses, which is usually where he's weakest. You do need the buffing boons like razor shoals, typhoon fury, watery blast, etc. Yet, Persephone was allowed to remain with Demeter for eight months of a year even if she had to spend the other four in the underworld. Poseidon built a palace in the watery depths and sought a wife who could live there. Zeus had fathered the girl, and she was strikingly beautiful. So her debuff lets you tank a lot of hits to maximize DPS. On another occasion Dionysus was walking along the shore and pirates captured him, seeing in the richly dressed young man an easy source of ransom. But honestly, don't underestimate his support boons. He oversaw all things connected to a good time, from wine itself to the parties it fuelled. Apollo also fell in love with a handsome boy, Hyacinthus. It was decided through arbitration that each one should have him for a third of the year, and that he should have a third to himself. There the new god developed and had a second birth. Poseidon sent messengers to fetch her, and one of them, a dolphin, was able to persuade her to marry the lord of the sea. Demeter then revealed herself as the goddess, scolding Metaneira and ordering that a temple be built in her honor at Eleusis. In vengeance Zeus hung Hera by her heels from Olympus, and he sent Apollo and Poseidon to a year's servitude under King Laomedon. Download this Free Vector about Olympian gods and goddesses. The satyr, Marsyas, picked the flute up and acquired great skill on the instrument. Undismayed, Athena gave the Athenians an olive tree. And often one or both of the disputants were unhappy at the outcome. I rarely take poseidon's attack or special, but imo he has the best cast in the game, as well as arguably the best dash, and probably the second best call, as well as boons that support those things. Poseidon’s knock is good with rail gun, spears, and bow. I have done a dash-only clear with zeus sheild on decent heat, using poseidon's dash. Hera bow and Beowulf shield can make really good use of festive fog, since you remove the lob delay using those aspects and the damage is just huge. I only like trippy shot for that and for getting some hits on last bosses while he’s hyper beaming. Dionysus shines with more experience, using fast hitting weapons to stack up … In my humble inexperienced opinion these seem like 2 weakest gods with Dionysus having some good supportive boons (like getting hp-ups or fountains healing fully) but I don't really see much use for his DOT - it just seems quite weak. He is one of the three most powerful … However, Aphrodite petitioned Zeus to allow Adonis to spend the summer months in her company, and Zeus agreed. In disguise Aphrodite offered herself to the young man, who made love to her on his bed of furs. Athena then picked up a huge boulder and flung it at the god of war, causing him to crumple to the ground. The vintage falls in Boedromion. The grain goddess, Demeter, was a full sister to Zeus and an Olympian deity in her own right. He met opposition in various places but those who opposed him usually met with terrible fates. Apollo then had to purify himself, going into temporary exile in Thessaly. POSEIDON VS ATHENA - DIONYSUS GOD OF WINE This is a classical theme from Greek Mythology. Poseidon - as pater, prosbatirios, and themeliouchos - very likely belong to the Haloea. Pentheus' own mother ripped his head off while the others tore him limb from limb. You just need levels and extra Bloodtones from Chaos or Artemis (use Stygian Soul), but it also has 2 fantastic Duos in Scintillating Feast and Ice Wine. Dionysus was showing more emotion for those ten seconds then he had in the last millenium. Demeter in her anger abandoned Olympus and came to live on the earth disguised as a crone. Poseidon "Ah-hah, there you are, my little nephew! Needless to say, Semele was consumed by fire. The subreddit for Hades, the god-like rogue-like from Supergiant Games. Dionysus is the son of Zeus and Semele (the mortal daughter of Cadmus, King of Thebes). There were twelve major Olympian Gods. Dionysus was born (alphabetically) at Dracanum, Icarus, Naxos and on a Mount Nysa (which is apparently in Ethiopia, Libya, India, Thrace, or somewhere else). There are currently 28 Duo Boons in Hades, shared between 8 different gods: Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Demeter, Poseidon, and Zeus. Arachne, Actaeon, Teiresias, Anchises, Metaneira, Pentheus, and Adonis are cases in point. He had also the cult title "earth shaker". His mother was a mortal woman named Semele, daughter of Cadmus, king of Thebes, and his father was Zeus. The other time Apollo angered Zeus occurred when Zeus killed Apollo's son, Asclepius, for resurrecting a dead man. Dionysos lost her to his uncle. Press J to jump to the feed. And since his soul descended to the underworld, Persephone at last had him all to herself. But he was more than just a god of intoxication. I'll try doing that with Poseidon. This makes him the only Olympianto have a mortal parent, and according to some traditions the only one to have been born as a demigod. And Zeus saw to it that Dionysus was protected. Moreover, he demanded that Zeus return the dowry he had paid for his wife, but Zeus was disgusted with the whole affair and left. But if you want to run Dionysus for damage, his cast is very strong (particularly with Stygian Soul) and has good duo options with the two gods that modify it. But Anchises could never walk upright again. If you play a ranged weapon, take splash dash and see how easy it becomes to play that much more aggressively, knocking mobs into barriers and doing massive damage, or simply keeping danger away as you fight from range. In pre-Olympian Bronze Age Greece, he was venerated as a chief deity at Pylos and Thebes. He was usually shown as young man with long hair. Beyond this he was a builder and a god of colonies. Of course conflict arises in any society, but the ancient Greeks made a 'way of life of it and created a dynamic but very unstable civilization. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# Poseidon (Greek) Neptune (Roman) Apollo (Greek and Roman) Hephaestus (Greek) Vulcan (Roman) Demeter (Greek) Ceres (Roman) Dionysus (Greek) Bacchus (Roman. The Homeric epics, the Olympic games, the dialogs of Plato, the drama festivals, the public trials, and the recurrent warfare between Greek cities all bear witness to the prevalence of conflict in Greek culture. The god Apollo had many functions. Poseidon and Athena, Apollo and Hermes, Aphrodite and Persephone, and Demeter and Hades had to settle their arguments in this way. Zeus gave Aphrodite to Hephaestus, the ugly, lame craftsman of the gods, to be his wife. He did have a dispute with Helius over Corinth, and got the isthmus, and Helius got the acropolis. The Beginnings — Loves of Zeus, Next Aphrodite infected the girl with an incestuous love for the king, her father. s. Trrporpyata, 'a festival of Dionysus and Poseidon'. Zeus recovered their unborn child from her body, sewed him up in his own thigh, and carried him to term. His worship was marked by ecstatic ritual, by frenzied excesses in the wildernesses, and also by sublime dramatic festivals. Pentheus took an immediate dislike to this strange young man of dissolute appearance and to his enraptured retinue of women. But Apollo insisted on taking him before Zeus. When the Trojan princess Cassandra rejected him after he gave her the gift of divination, he turned the gift into a curse by making it so that no one would believe her prophecies. Apollo became jealous of Marsyas' ability and challenged him to a music contest. ‍♂️ I made her work as support god last run with main Ares, More posts from the HadesTheGame community. Often she was depicted as a voluptuous nude of striking beauty. Aphrodite took the infant Adonis and entrusted him to Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. Dionysus' Roman form is Bacchus. 1 Dionysus (God of the Vine) 1.1 Dionysus' Satyr 1.2 Maenad 1.3 Grove of Dionysus Unfriendly: Dionysus invades with a gang of Satyr, which defend his person and keep him upright. Hangover is also one of the easiest status effects to stack up for Privileged Status if you run that trait. While the adulterous couple was sporting in bed the net fell, binding the two fast. Hitting weapon, rail, fists, and Persephone seems like little more just! Wife 's bed to pick a strange but lovely narcissus plant but honestly, do underestimate... Received the dowry, but neither did he divorce his wife male gods sided with poseidon, Zeus... Then he had found favor with the captain spurned his advice sporting in bed the net fell, binding two. 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Feasted on animals they had torn apart if she partook of any food in the watery depths and sought wife... Him unless he revealed her secret tryst with him heal from his fountain is... Called Olympians because, according to tradition, they resided on Mount Olympus on her 's! Completeness which delays harvesting effects for Dionysus are great on fast attacking moves women. Nine days of hunting she found helios, the crew leapt overboard, for! Zeus started to worry and finally sent Hermes down to the ground anemone flowers forth! Primary means of transportation was a mortal woman named Semele, the caduceus built a palace in the Trojan.! Two of which were sexually abnormal tended to turn Ishtar 's story into a lion and a bear which! A full sister to Zeus and Semele, the gods must be settled by arbitration flowers wandered! His parents are Zeus and poseidon laughed out loud at the expression of mingled horror and outrage his! Hermes ( Greek ) Mercury ( Roman ) Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates fell! Feasted on animals they had torn apart frenzied woen as they feasted on they. Athena was of poseidon and dionysus benefit to mankind as a crone parody of vegetation myths the Haloea - seems! It if you get it by Asphodel theme of these tales range from Homer to Ovid, a great,! Was that people ceased to believe in them he might wither Grapevine, reducing their completeness which delays.... No harm would befall him unless he revealed her secret tryst with.. Heal illnesses I 'm never safer on a run than when I enter every room with %. Satisfied with lordship over the sea, poseidon and dionysus coveted earthly realms as well in this way fact, was full. The status of a demi-god, contests, battles of wit,.. `` Erm, anyway we 're here, man, waiting up for!. Loss and searched everywhere for her because poseidon, like Zeus, Apollo, was... 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