From Paris he went to Orleans, to complete his studies in the Roman law; for that subject was not then taught at Paris. In the next century, and later, his fame spread over Europe. Ivo's austere and humble personal life; his boundless charity; his constant endeavor to reconcile even the most obstinate litigants; and, above all, his humane sympathy for the poor and the oppressed, now made him famous throughout the country. Why is Saint Yves the patron of Lawyers?Why is Saint Yves is the patron of Lawyers? But it must have been in 1913 that, for me, he first came to be a real personage. News, analysis & spirituality by email, twice-weekly from Patrons of the Faith. The most popular and widely recognized Patron Saint of Lawyers is St. Ivo of Kermartin. Bakers of altar bread - Honorius of Amiens; Bankers - Bernardine of Feltre, Matthew Even at the University, his unselfish and ascetic habits of life were already fixed. We know the best route to get you there. We had spent a week at Pont-Aven in Brittany, the artists' favored resort on the south shore, and were starting west to St. Malo, thence to take ship for Southampton, when I happened to see, in the faithful Baedeker's "Northern France," two lines in small type, telling that at the picturesque fishing town of Treguier the Cathedral contained the monument to "St. Yves (1252­1303), patron saint of advocates, who was born at Minihy, a village 3/4 mile to the south." Sir Thomas More, A Defender of Natural Law and Religious Liberty Every year, the Thomas More Society celebrates the life of our namesake, Sir Thomas More, on his feast day, June 22. Cause of Death: Natural Causes. But I will go to court tomorrow for you, and will save you from ruin." B. ), and lawyer Ropartz (1856). Find top Saint George, UT Medical Malpractice attorneys near you. "Have no fear," said young Ivo, "You should indeed have waited for the two men to appear together. His connections and wealth would help his son, Thomas, rise in station as a young man. The term 'Patron' is used in Christian religions, including the Roman Catholic religion, to describe holy and virtuous men and women who are considered to be a defender of a specific group of people or of a country. Said also that one-third of the salary which Ivo received as chancellor at Treguier was given in alms to the poor, and that he would always use every effort to reconcile in peace and concord the parties that came before him with their disputes. He is well-known for his depth of knowledge and hard stance against heresy, divorce, and refusal to swear the Oath of Supremacy which is a declaration that the king is the head of the church in England. Saint Yves is the patron of lawyers. Date of Death: Saint Yves died in A.D. 1303. Whereupon the merchant, required to produce his fellow, turned pale, fell a-trembling, and would have retired. This was a pretty thorough cross-examination, and the law professor was a convincing witness. No wonder that the movement for declaring him a saint received universal support. During the 19 years he served as judge, he was also cure of a parish. Born Yves Hélory, he was the son of the Lord of Kermartin. The ultimate authentic source in print is now a quarto volume, prepared at the time of inaugurating his new monument at Treguier in 1890, published by Prudhomme at St. Brieuc in 1887, and edited by several Breton scholars; MONUMENTS ORIGINAUX DE L'HISTOIRE DE SAINT YVES; this contains the depositions taken in 1330 at the proceedings for canonization. A. J. The most popular and widely recognized Patron Saint of Lawyers is St. Ivo of Kermartin. Skit, St. Thomas More (Narrator, King Henry, and St. Thomas enter.) He is also the Patron Saint of Brittany (a region west of France) and abandoned children. Death of Saint Yves There are two categories of saints: martyrs and confessors. That day has ever since been his saint's day, on which homage is paid to his name. (See Wigmore, A Visit to the Shrine of St. Ives, Patron of Our Profession (1932) 18 A. Saint Attorneys is a firm of Attorneys located in Sandton, Johannesburg. Now there's an appointment, complete with a formal perpetual feast day! It must be remembered that the church courts at that period were the most advanced in Europe, and had an extensive jurisdiction; all kinds of civil and criminal cases, and not merely ecclesiastical ones, might come to them. In honour of the feast day of St Ives on 19th May, we held a celebratory bake … Saint Thomas More is the patron of lawyers, large families, and politicians. O Glorious St. Thomas More, Patron of Statesmen, Politicians, Judges and Lawyers, your life of prayer and penance and your zeal for justice, integrity and firm principle in public and family life led you to the path of martyrdom and sainthood. The Roman people entreated Saint Mark to put in writing for them the substance of Saint Peter’s frequent discourses on Our Lord’s life. Liturgical Color: White Patron Saint of canon lawyers and medical record librarians The law, scripture, the Church, and love work harmoniously together Today’s saint … He came from a noble family having a small patrimony near Treguier. Furthermore, this witness testified that the said master Ivo was a man of great justice as a judge. And now John, duke of Brittany, supported by Philip, king of France, and his queen Anne, and many other nobles, headed a movement to declare Ivo a saint of the Church. Asked what words were used, said that the aforesaid wife said to the witness, `Let us vow her to Saint Ivo, because I would rather that she were dead than that she should live this way'; and then they vowed her, saying 'Saint Ivo, if thou restorest her to health, we will go barefoot to thy tomb' Asked the name of his daughter, he says she was called Margilia. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. Learn more and contact us. Asked what time elapsed between the vow and the cure, answers that they made the vow on a certain day after dinner, and the next day in the morning the mother and the witness found the girl cured. And if she had to pay for those valuables it would ruin her. A. J. Prayers are considered more likely to be answered by asking a patron for intercession on their behalf. (Patron Saint of Lawyers) (1478 – 1535) The more things change, the more they stay the same (no punn intended). Including the patron saint of lawyers, a civil law lawyer himself (France), St. Ives, there have been ten lawyers beatified (and for some, full sainthood), by the Roman Catholic Popes over the years. The judge promptly approved his plea. Born Yves Hélory, he was the son of the Lord of Kermartin. He is also the Patron Saint of Brittany (a region west of France) and abandoned children. This professor of law, aged 60, (Witness No. He attended the University of Paris graduating in civil law and to Orleans where he studied canon law. If you’re going to look for bad things to say about attorneys, maybe pointing to one who did his job ethically and uprightly isn’t your best example. Every lawyer, I suppose, has heard that St. Ives is the patron saint of his profession. Because he was learned in canon and civil law. St. Thomas More was beheaded for refusing to change his religious beliefs to the king's political needs. [ Do Not Sell My Personal Information] [ Site Map ] See our profile at Lawyers… Attorneys - Genesius; Authors - Francis de Sales, John the Evangelist, Lucy; Aviators - Joseph of Cupertino, Our Lady of Loreto, Thérèse of Lisieux ( The Little Flower ) B. Bakers - Agatha of Sicily, Elisabeth of Hungary, Honorius of Amiens, Peter the Apostle. Prayers to Saint Sebastian the Patron Saint of Sports There is a patron for virtually every cause, country, profession or special interest. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into heaven. It runs like this: Tours was near Orleans; the bishop held his court there; and Ivo, while visiting the court, lodged with a certain widow. The plaintiff has not proved his case. Read More. Here he stayed for 10 years, studying rhetoric, theology, and canon law. We determined to stop over long enough to spend a few hours there; and the visit was enough to arouse a deep interest in this wonderful man who in real life had set a standard—an unattainable one, perhaps—for our profession. The son of Lord Helori and Azo du Kenquis, Ivo, (or Ives, Ybus, Yvo, Ivo of Helory) was born in Kermartin (near Tréguier), Brittany, October 17, 1253. Categories ... ABOUT US. But here is only one of them making the demand. The origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially designated feast days and are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's feast day. The proof of his unselfish and saintly life was superabundant. One day he found his widow-landlady in tears. Asked how he knows this, said that he had seen Ivo as judge both at Rennes and at Treguier, where Ivo gave speedy justice to everyone without distinction of persons. Who Is the Patron Saint of Lawyers? Martyr, known as Theophilus Scholasticus "the Lawyer." He was ordained in 1284 and 1287 eneded his legal career to become a preacher. B. Saint Yves - Patron - Patronage - Christian Art - Life of Saint Yves - Lawyers - Short - Concise - Death - Life - Biography - History - Story - Roman Catholic - Facts - St. - Origin - Origins - Information - Info - History - Christian - Famous - Definition - Catholic - Feast Day - Christian Art - Christian Art - Martyrdom - Martyr - Patron - Attributes - Famous - Lawyers - Cause - Christian Art - Patron Saints - Patronage - Life - Short - Concise - Lawyers - Death - Life - Biography - Feast Day - History - Story - Roman Catholic - Facts - Famous - St. - Characteristics - Origin - Origins - Information - Christian Art - Info - History - Lawyers - Christian - Definition - Catholic - Martyrdom - Martyr - Patron - Attributes - Famous - Cause. His ten years of study at Paris were a token of his scholarly instincts. In short, the two rascals had conspired to plant the casket with the widow, and then to coerce her to pay them the value of the alleged contents. Yves, or Ivo, died on 19th May 1303 at Louannec, Brittany. And he had pursued this career as an ordinary man, amidst the very same every-day conditions that surround any lawyer and any judge at any time in any country. Saint Yves is the patron of Lawyers. He slept only on a pallet of straw; he wore the humblest garments; he gave away the moneys that came to him; and often he shared his meals with the poor. And now arose the saying which has fixed forever his place in the annals of literature, "Advocatus sed non latro, res miranda populo," "A lawyer yet not a rascal, a thing that made the people wonder.". And finally, on May 19, 1347, Pope Clement VI at a solemn consistory ordered his name placed in the calendar of saints. Yves, or Ivo, became a successful lawyer and judge famous for defending the poor without charge. (EDITORIAL NOTE: It is singularly appropriate that Professor Wigmore's Paper should be given a place in the symposium in honor of St. Ives. How Saint Yves is represented in Christian ArtIt is helpful to be able to recognise Saint Yves in paintings, stained glass windows, illuminated manuscripts, architecture and other forms of Christian art. This item 10916 digitally provided courtesy of And so there was ample proof, from a cloud of eye-witnesses, of this long life of sacrificial service in the cause of justice. Attorney Advertising. The Lawsmiths Commitment . They were pursued, and two of them were quickly found with their loot. CatholicSaints.Info. A life of true and consistent unselfishness, full of good deeds, and devoted solely to one's immediate sphere of duty, will receive full measure of reverence from one's neighbors, and may even come to exercise a world-wide influence. Nor was he merely the shrewd and humane judge; he was also the learned one. But the judge, suspecting something from his plight, ordered him to be arrested and questioned; the other merchant was also traced and brought in, and the casket was recovered; which, when opened, was found to contain nothing but old junk. Every lawyer, I suppose, has heard that St. Ives is the patron saint of his profession. Check out our patron of lawyers selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. As a result, many law schools and association of catholic lawyers have taken his names. Professor Jobbe-Duval, in his large work on "Primitive Ideas in Contemporary Brittany," has collected the legends and customs about St. Ives' miraculous help to those who crave justice. Home / Shop / Patron Saints of Professions / Patron Saint of Lawyers / St Yves – Patron Of Lawyers, Judges – Antique Reproduction. < > Quick Links • Today's Calendar • Contact Me • What's New • Random Page. But, the most fitting place of homage to the memory of this good man of unselfish life, lawyer and judge, is still the simple tomb in the churchyard of Minihy. Ives' response got him in and the title of patron saint for lawyers: "Oh, but I am that honest lawyer who never took fees on both sides, nor pleaded a bad cause; nor did I ever set my neighbours together by the ears, nor lived by the sins of the people." Asked when that was, said it was 23 years ago or thereabouts. Nowadays most solo lawyers and lawyers who own small law firms tend to feel isolated. Follow us on. This was then a welter of all sorts of unwritten and conflicting traditions as to tenure, dues, privileges, and the like. Asked how he knows this, said that he had many times seen and heard it, when he was advocate in the court of Ivo at Treguier.". There were three. Yves, or Ivo, was born on 17th October 1253 at Kermartin, Brittany in France, the son of Helori, a wealthy nobleman. In short, he was declared a saint in Heaven because he had lived a saintly life on earth. And the maxim of his practice (said to be embodied in the ancient Custumal of Brittany) was that every claim must be founded on "good law and equity" ("bon droit et raison"; for "raison" or "ratio" in those days corresponded to our “equity”). He was beheaded at Caesarea, in Cappadocia (in modern Turkey). Asked what month, said it was the month of May or June, but he does not remember what day. According to tradition, she converted … Feast Day of Saint YvesThe Feast Day of Saint Yves is May 19th. There are trademark attorneys who protect your valuable logos, images and slogans. II. Every applicant for his help he required first to make oath that his cause was in conscience a just one; then Ivo would say "Pro Deo to adjuvabo," ("For the sake of God, I will help you"). One, Benedetto Odescalchi, became Pope in Innocent XI in 1676. 794; St. Ives Memorial Window Design (1935) 21 A. Chain Options Free eBook: Essays in Apologetics, Vol. Check out our patron saint lawyer selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. 27) after testifying to the austere and unselfish life of Ivo, as personally observed ("I have seen him at table in my mother's house, and he never partook of fish or flesh or wine, and he always wore poor garments, though he had a good income both from his own estate and from his church office"), went on to testify to a notable miracle performed on the professor's own daughter, and then was strictly cross-examined about it: "Being sworn and examined as to miracles of the said master Ivo Heloury, he said on his oath that a daughter of his who had a blind spot in her eye was cured the next day after they had vowed her to Saint Ivo. Asked who was invoked, said that Saint Ivo was invoked. This venerable man's testimony to his pupil's saintly and austere life was direct and detailed; and then he went on to speak of Ivo as advocate and judge: "Ivo without charge took cases for the poor, the widows, the orphans, and other distressed persons, offered himself for the defense of their rights without being asked, and thus was commonly known as 'the advocate of the poor and the oppressed. ' Asked how large a spot was it, he answers almost as large as a bean. Asked how long it was after she was cured, said about two years. 9 March 2021. A martyr is one who is put to death for his Christian faith or convictions. In 1267, he studied in the University of Paris where he graduated in civil law. Asked how he knew that Ivo had acted without charge, said that many poor persons had told him of it, with warmest gratitude for Ivo. Asked what place it was, said that it was in his town of Quasquer, Guitmace parish, diocese of Treguier. Asked who was there, said that he the witness was, and Leveneza his wife, and Mahaute the daughter's nurse, and several other persons whom he does not remember. Carefully brought up in his youth, and destined by his mother for the sacred calling, he was sent to Paris for his university studies, in 1267, at the age of 14. Saint Yves is May 19th many law schools and association of catholic lawyers have taken his names received his. Benedetto Odescalchi, became a successful lawyer and judge who rose to prominence during the of. He graduated in civil law Sandton, Johannesburg west of France ) and abandoned children logos, and! Of Ivo from Heaven pursued him ; for the two merchants coming together a... Chosen as special protectors or guardians over areas of life were already fixed widows, and great was son., UT Medical Malpractice attorneys near you email, twice-weekly from solo., he answers almost as large as a young man to answer the... 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