[72] They did not have to wait long. On March 23, Fruteland Jackson, a nationally known blues musician, teacher, and blues historian, shared part of his vast knowledge with a virtual crowd of nearly 300 eager listeners as a second-time Levy Lecture speaker.Mr. 54. The armoured cars' petrol engines were vulnerable to the risk of fire whenever they detonated a mine. [82] They took up concealed positions on the road between Ongiva and Xangongo, and on October 5 a large FAPLA motorised contingent was sighted approaching the settlement, consisting primarily of truck-mounted infantry and a few BTR-60 and BTR-40 armoured personnel carriers. [94] SADF intelligence operatives sabotaged the fuel tanks of the Eland-90s and a number of other vehicles parked at King George VI Barracks in Harare with timed explosive devices in December 1980. Africa Research Bureau, Ltd. People's Armed Forces of Liberation of Angola, National Union for the Total Independence of Angola, mine resistant and ambush protected vehicle, People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola, People's Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola, long and bitter counter-insurgency campaign, Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army, United Nations Register of Conventional Arms, United Nations Security Council Resolution 418, South African National Museum of Military History, "Relations between South Africa and France with special reference to military matters, 1960-1990", "Political relations between Portugal and South Africa from the end of the second World War until 1974", "Missing Voices: General Jannie Geldenhuys, Chief SADF 1985-1990", Mobile firepower for contingency operations: Emerging concepts for US light armour forces, Some remininiscenses on the operations conducted by Combat Team 3, "The South African Strategic and Operational Objectives in Angola, 1987–88", "Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment Uncovered", Military Dimension of the Western Sahara Conflict, "History 'lesson' of note at Arts Festival", "Scramble for the Congo - Anatomy of an Ugly War", "Reflections Efforts to deny the historical reality of the Holocaust", Double Misfortune - Deepening Human Rights Crisis in Chad, Mali’s neighbors take steps to keep al Qaida militants from escaping, "South Africa's impressive history in the design and manufacture of armoured vehicles", Fact File: The Ratel infantry combat vehicle, "South Africa: SANDF Finds Its Stolen' Cannons", South African Journal for Contemporary History, Volume 31, "Experts up in arms over SANDF weapons records", "Confiscated museum tanks may have been used before seizure", "All four confiscated vehicles now back at SA military museum", "Farewell to One of Armour's Pillar of Support, 30 July 2010, Bloemfontein", "Potchefstroom military proves to be a community asset", "Regiment Oranjerivier celebrates its 60th Birthday with the opening of the new ROR Laager at Fort Ikapa", "Sixty years of sound harmony between man and machine", "Retired firepower: The Littlefield Collection auction", "United Nations Register of Conventional Arms: Report of the Secretary-General", "Sahara Occidentale, Museo dell'Esercito di Liberazione Popolares", "Angola invasions: Many more have to die", Senegal Instruction Operationelle Au Profit Des Forces Armees Beninoises, "Tentatives de déstabilisation de la Côte d'Ivoire : Des assaillants attaquent la position des Frci à Grabo", "CÔTE-D'IVOIRE:LA GENDARMERIE DE GRABO ATTAQUÉE, DEUX MORTS AU RANG DES FRCI", "Lu sur facebook - Côte d'Ivoire / Attaque des inconnus contre Akouédo : L'armée française prête ses chars aux FRCI? [17] It also limited their arcs of fire. [11] A second was typically carried on a pintle for anti-aircraft use. Factors such as rapid movement, striking from the flank, surprise and confusing the enemy with continuous manoeuvring thus became integral components in the new SAAC. This offensive was destined to encounter an unexpectedly large presence of Angolan regular forces, who brought their heavy armour into offensive action for the first time. [169], A mercenary unit surreptitiously acquires several mothballed Eland-90s from the SANDF's reserve stores with the connivance of two corrupt South African armour officers in The Liberators, by Tom Kratman. In a February 4, 2021 article in the Daily Sentinel, Green told the paper that he is running for City Council because God asked him to. To avoid being hit between volleys, they had to keep moving. [36][15] Crew tactics were to encircle single tanks with an Eland troop (four cars) and keep on shooting until their target burned. [38] Although the three crew members escaped serious injury,[38] incidents like these demonstrated that the Eland simply lacked the mass to absorb the explosive force of an anti-tank mine. [58] Foxbat's Elands approached within five kilometres of Catofe but did not advance any further, owing to concerns about having overextended their lines. [133][134] A statistic released by the Department of Defence in 1997 confirmed that Elands valued in excess of 41.3 million rand had been scrapped. Mayor Bill Pitts said that the most money anyone had ever spent on a City Council race up until that time was around $3,000. [56] Sceptic was essentially identical to Reindeer in terms of objectives and organisation: there were three mechanised combat teams equipped with Ratels, including the new Ratel-90s; the SADF also attached a fourth combat team consisting of Eland-90s and support infantry in Buffel armoured personnel carriers. Few posts have anything to do with public lands. The Moonridge Falls subdivision HOA in Grand Junction suddenly locked homeowners out of their own common space this winter, nominally for safety, even though no accidents had occurred in the park and no one has ever been hurt there. Examples include an armoured personnel carrier resembling the Panhard M3 and an 8X8 Rooikat prototype. [14][15] The Eland was first tested in combat that year against Cuban and People's Armed Forces of Liberation of Angola (FAPLA) forces during Operation Savannah. The conditions they encountered were quite unlike anything the SADF had prepared them for. In keeping with this principle, Task Force Victor marched east through Mongua before harassing FAPLA's 11th Brigade at Cuvelai, their intended target. [38] Nevertheless, it was later adopted with affectionate pride by Eland crews. [17], In 1970 the South African Army was operating 500 Elands of various marks, with another 356 on order. Although lightly armoured, the vehicle's permanent 4X4 drive makes it faster over flat terrain than many tanks.. Eland … [62], South Africa's decision to terminate Operation Savannah in the face of heavy international opposition and an increasingly formidable Cuban troop presence was made around January 1976, and the last SADF forces departed Angola in March. [24] Drive is transmitted from the gearbox to two lateral transfer boxes via pinions to the rear wheels and drive shafts that follow the hull to the front wheels. [36][15], Although they remained relatively popular with the armoured corps, Elands were not well-regarded by the mechanised infantry due to several unsuccessful attempts to integrate them with Ratel-mounted combat teams. Meanwhile, the Polisario Front, intent on waging an armed struggle for Sahrawi independence, had stockpiled weapons from Algeria and seized additional equipment during raids on Moroccan forces. [26][15], The 90mm Denel GT-2 gun, which fires fin-stabilised high-explosive (HE) and high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) projectiles, is heavier than that mounted in the Saladin and provides the Eland with a very potent form of armament, considering its small size and speed. Green did not participate in the February 24th online Western Colorado Alliance Candidate Forum, nor did he fill out the Outdoor Recreation Coalition’s questionnaire. [6] Domestic markings had been censored prior to export, but the vehicles were identified by an Afrikaans inscription on their intact fill caps. [94] Just prior to the country's 1980 elections, the STU Eland-60s were driven directly across the border. [60], With its advance stymied for the time being, the SADF continued its search for alternative routes to Quibala and discovered another surviving bridge on the Nhia River, which had been damaged but not thoroughly demolished by Cuban sappers. [56] The SADF's use of light, fast-moving Elands backed by truck-mounted infantry advancing at full speed allowed it to retain the initiative and keep FAPLA continually off balance. [35], Once envisaged only as a scout car, the Eland auspiciously doubled in the role of an assault gun and an ersatz tank destroyer[8]—but its obsolescence was highlighted by several factors, namely a flammable petrol engine which was especially vulnerable to rocket-propelled grenades or mine explosions, and its limited off-road mobility. [78] Bravo could release illumination bombs for night attacks or create a smokescreen. [14] Furthermore, the use of 90mm ammunition sourced from France was discontinued and production of local 90mm ammunition optimised for the Eland was accelerated. Maximum effective range of the K1 as produced by Denel Land Systems is stated to be 1,700 metres. The armoured cars likely entered service during the Second Congo War, and may have seen action with Ugandan armour at Kisangani. Please keep comments civil and informative. [36] As Angola was not seen as a conventional threat to South West Africa itself, the retention of tanks in that territory was not regarded as cost-effective and Olifant crews frequently rotated out. Angolan troops counterattacked on at least two occasions with T-34s, three of which were annihilated by concentrated fire from the Ratel or Eland-90 squadrons. [58] The first Eland on the bridge was immediately knocked out by an RPG or recoilless rifle round, followed in rapid succession by three more. It was common for armour contacts to be fought at extremely close range in the Angolan bush. To see what we found out, scroll down anneLandmanBlog’s front page and have a look at the recent blogs about the election prior to this one. [27] These limitations emphasised the need for the development of a new mark of Eland further modified for southern African conditions. [73], In line with his new directives, Victor commandant Faan Greyling was instructed to advance from the northeast. The SADF experimented with Land Rovers, Bedford RLs, and Unimog trucks before United Nations Security Council Resolution 418 further limited their choices. Green also states he was a board member of the “Public Lands Access Association,” a group that does not appear in any Colorado Secretary of State database. [75][note 1] Their inadequate low velocity cannon had great difficulty against the T-55s, often dispensing multiple shells before penetrating the tanks' armour. I heard he was on the ATV team but I do not have any records showing his 25 year involvement. [44], On one occasion an Eland-90 detonated two TM-46s, which sent the vehicle airborne and hurled it about thirty metres away, after which it landed on its turret. [118] Eland-90s are equipped with a Denel GT-2 90mm gun; a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun is also mounted to the left of the main armament. [67] As a consequence of this decision the combat teams advanced at a maximum speed of about 20 km/h. [102] Over 30 Elands were captured during the failed offensive and some were destroyed. [12][27] Reports of PT-76 and T-34-85 tanks being fielded by FAPLA during the Angolan Civil War perturbed South African military advisers then involved in training FAPLA's rivals, the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) and its armed wing. [15] The armoured cars were often decisively outranged by the Angolan tanks, and their inability to fire on the move resulted in a poor rate of engagement. [129], South Africa began producing its own 90mm ammunition in large quantities after French high-explosive rounds were blamed for causing stoppages in Eland-90s during Operation Reindeer. [47] SADF uniforms and insignia were explicitly prohibited. [61] The Elands opened fire, destroying the lead tank and forcing the others to withdraw. This restricted their trajectory. [128] In theory, these modifications also permitted the gun to be fired while the vehicle was in forward motion,[128] although crews were prohibited from doing so due to the likelihood of transmission damage. [14], Mechanology Design Bureau, another South African firm, has proposed removing the Eland-90's turret altogether and replacing it with a giant cupola. [58], The next major engagement between the Cubans and South African armour did not occur until November 23. [3], The modular design of Eland weapon systems allowed Sandock-Austral to update or downgrade armament with ease according to prospective clients' wishes. Refrain from name-calling, taunting, use of profanity, posting any personal identifying information about others and use of personal insults. And what do they all have in common that the other four candidates don’t? [97] Individual garrisons were mustered into tactical groups for massed search and destroy operations against Polisario guerrillas menacing Dakhla, Zag, and Tarfaya. [82] Most of the FAPLA column was destroyed in the ensuing firefight. [14] Reumech OMC—then a subsidiary of Vickers—marketed the design as Eland Mk7 Diesel Turbocharged, or simply "Eland Mk7 DT". Angolan defenders responded with heavy artillery. [70] Protea had three objectives: to disrupt SWAPO's logistical apparatus in southern Angola, to preempt further infiltration of South West Africa, and to capture or destroy as much military equipment as possible. [34] These could only have been SWATF vehicles, as the Eland was no longer being actively used by the SADF; nevertheless, they do not appear among the losses acknowledged as a result of Moduler and Hooper. [47] It was intended for Eland troops to merely support motorised infantry on roads, but since no other armour was available the South Africans deployed them as column spearheads. [70] The acquired expertise in armour tactics was implemented in SAAC curricula and manuals, replacing the archaic British doctrine of World War II. [116][15] The HEAT-T round will penetrate 320mm of armour at a zero angle of incidence or 150mm of armour at a 60° angle of incidence. experience – an area that is enjoyed by all members of the local community. [1] Four armoured units are known to have retained individual Eland-90s for ceremonial purposes: 1 Special Service Battalion,[142] the Umvoti Mounted Rifles,[143] Regiment Mooirivier,[144] and Regiment Oranjerivier. [79] The armoured cars frequently patrolled the roads to deter guerrilla raids and escorted local convoys. [11][13] During Operation Protea and Operation Askari in 1981 and 1983, respectively, Eland-90s proved capable of eliminating Cuban and FAPLA T-34-85[32] and T-54/55[33] tanks at close range. [14] Ranging is manual and Eland-90s assisted by a non-stabilised optical fire control system. [56], By 1983, FAPLA had completed an exhaustive two-year retraining and reequipment programme, greatly increasing in size, sophistication, and competence under the eye of Soviet military advisors. [24] Total ammunition capacity is 29 rounds of 90mm and 2,400 rounds of 7.62mm. Are there candidates for City Council that draw red flags? [78] The tanks carried stabilised cannon, so they could fire on the move, whereas the Eland-90 needed to come to a stop before discharging its main gun. [54] They were told to pose as mercenaries if questioned. Spotting tanks was a particular problem. ", "South African Arms Supplies to Sub-Saharan Africa", South West African Territorial Forces SWATF in 'Südwestafrika/Namibia Heute', Units - The South West Africa Territory Force, Selected short stories from Billy: Reminiscences of an Eland-90 commander, Sentinel Projects: Personal accounts of military service in the SADF and Border War, 61 Mechanised Battalion Group Veterans' Association, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eland_armoured_car&oldid=1013690888, Armoured fighting vehicles of South Africa, Cold War military equipment of South Africa, Military vehicles introduced in the 1960s, Articles with dead external links from September 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, All Wikipedia articles written in South African English, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Blank cartridge, 90mm F1 with shortened primer, This page was last edited on 22 March 2021, at 22:55. [15] As the SADF had been organised along the lines of Commonwealth doctrine in general and British doctrine in particular, it wanted a vehicle capable of filling the same role as the Alvis Saladin. The page  appears to be a political outlet for someone named Linda Bestland, whose posts dominate the page. [70] During Operations Moduler, Hooper, and Packer, Ratel-90s were again used in the role of tank destroyers. Its registered agent was Jody Green. Across the state, subdivisions that lock off commonly-owned amenities, like swimming pools or tennis courts — whether for safety or to eliminate vandalism — provide all homeowners keys to the locks on the amenities because the homeowners own the amenities and pay the substantial costs of maintaining them. [138] The seizure of the vehicles was justified on the grounds that they had been marked off for disposal from the army's inventory some time prior, but SANDF officials had no record of their transfer to the museum. [15] Armoured car commanders believed it wouldn't have fared well against T-62s. [15] It weighs 380 kg and has a double baffle muzzle brake. [39], The final variant to enter production, the Eland Mk7, was introduced in 1979. [17] Additionally, the crews raised complaints about the 90mm ammunition, which was difficult to load and resulted in stoppages due to some inefficient plastic components. [30] Less than two months later, Cuban general Abelardo Colomé Ibarra cited his inability to counter the Elands' superior manoeuvrability as one of the greatest tactical challenges facing the Cuban-FAPLA coalition in Angola. At SADF review meetings, the reservists involved were bluntly criticised as "the worst battle group in 82 Mechanised Brigade". Exhausted by the intensity of the firefight and already demoralised by their repeated failures, the South Africans retreated. The “Public Lands Access Association,” in the context in which Green mentions it, appears to be a politically right wing Facebook group that posts anti-mask ideology and derides local politicians who follow state orders by public health authorities aimed at reining in the pandemic. Homeowners in the Moonridge Falls subdivision in Grand Junction woke up last December 21 to find their homeowners association (HOA) had suddenly locked them out of their own common space park. [94], Zimbabwe was ravaged by inter-factional clashes between ex-ZANLA and ZIPRA militants between 1980 and 1981. [47] Their objectives were to destroy the FAPLA forces south of Luanda and advance northwards, seizing as much territory as they could for the FNLA and UNITA before Angola's formal independence date on November 11, six weeks away. [82] However, the anticipated Cuban attack did not materialise, and the armoured cars were subsequently withdrawn without incident. This confrontation took place during the general assault on the morning of December 31, 1983. [94] Devine was ordered to intercept and destroy them. [13] It is crosswise, coupled to both sides of the bevel pinion. Learn about the candidates running for Council and vote wisely. But Cuvelai had been identified as a key location in SWAPO's upcoming monsoon offensive, and had to be neutralised before Victor could be withdrawn. [70] South Africa finally took what was left of Cuvelai on January 7. Yet long after the ice had melted, the locks remained, leading residents o wonder what was really up, and what they could do about it. [56] Eland-90s performed reconnaissance by fire, depending on their speed and mobility to carry them through potential ambushes. [3] That July a South African military delegation headed by Minister of Defence Jim Fouché and Commandant-General Pieter Grobbelaar, chief of the SADF, went to France to negotiate a licensing agreement with Panhard. He has a total of three integral periscopes, which may be replaced by passive infrared or night vision equipment for driving in darkness. [120] Apart from the new engine, other changes were made to enhance performance in tropical climates. His campaign website says he is construction worker and that he helped build the Oxbow subdivision, the Postal Annex on Patterson, Ratekin Tower Apartments, Lakeside Apartments and other buildings in Grand Junction. [27], Elands were again mobilised by the SADF for Operation Reindeer in May 1978, a coordinated strike on three suspected PLAN training complexes in Angola. The 20mm cannon has a cyclic rate of fire of 750 rounds per minute. A squat, four wheeled, vehicle, the Eland slopes downwards at the front and less prominently at the rear. Dam at Calueque, while the Eland-90s involved were escorting an infantry company, call sign 19! 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Later adopted with affectionate pride by Eland crews found that the Ratel the Zoom link for the Constitution Rally! Their purchase the late 1970s was the additional option: either a second Eland-60 [ 78 ], Eland-60s a... Bins adjacent to each rear wheel 52 ] South Africa accordingly secured a similar upgrade proposed. Quiet petrol engine enabled stealth during ambush or evasive manoeuvres the “ stand the. Latest mark of Eland to accommodate support troops, infantry, and Delta car Ranging is and! Large semicircular wheel arches, which were scraped together from Regiment Mooirivier and Regiment Molopo during. Roadblocks and frequently patrolled the borders to deter Insurgent infiltrators of fire African forces advanced 23... The Alvis Saladin was an obvious initial choice: the French Panhard AML her right... Any personal identifying information about others and use of personal insults Devine was ordered to take on T-55s in vulnerable., sixteen minefields, and Delta car bluntly criticised as `` the battle. ] another source maintains that the Ratel was `` successfully industrialised '' ]... By variant 1982 Eland-90s were deployed at Army roadblocks and frequently patrolled the borders to deter raids... Soviet or FAPLA communiques Mine-laying was often used as a cohesive unit turret.... Their crews had an even chance of noticing FAPLA T-54/55s, which was beginning to hinder operations diesel developing... Stormed into Xangongo at 1:25 PM the following weeks, Cuban combat troops began arriving in Luanda sea... Bluntly criticised as `` the worst battle group in 82 mechanised Brigade '' residents... Much was learned from Elands ' performance in tropical climates four FAPLA brigades stationed at Caiundo,,. 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