[69][70] The number of balls also varied with time, as shown below. Contessina Beatrice de' Medici (1474) Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici (b. Clement VII's tumultuous pontificate was dominated by a rapid succession of political crises – many long in the making – that resulted in the sack of Rome by the armies of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1527 and rise of the Salviati, Altoviti and Strozzi as the leading bankers of the Roman Curie. Ultimately, it reached its zenith in the papacy and continued to flourish for centuries afterward as Dukes of Florence and Tuscany. The Medici were responsible for a high proportion of the major Florentine works of art created during their period of rule. As I have had more honour and responsibility among you than any private citizen has had in our day, I am more bound than any other person to serve our country, even at the risk of my life. Anna Maria Luisa was offered a nominal regency by the Prince de Craon until the new grand duke could peregrinate to Tuscany, but declined. The following year, on 23 May 1498, Savonarola and two young supporters were burned at the stake in the Piazza della Signoria, the same location as his bonfire. Her marriage into the House of Medici provided her husband's family with much needed nobility, prestige, and military support as they established their power in Florence. [54] Lorenzo also served as patron to Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) for seven years. [11] The city's numerous luxurious palazzi were becoming surrounded by townhouses built by the prospering merchant class.[12]. Lorenzo's son Piero II took over as the head of Florence after Lorenzo's death. The Florentines grieved her,[51] and she was interred in the crypt that she helped to complete, San Lorenzo. [10] Until the late 14th century, the leading family of Florence was the House of Albizzi. Thus began the reign of Medici monarchs in Florence, which lasted two centuries. [43] On 25 October 1723, six days before his death, Grand Duke Cosimo disseminated a final proclamation commanding that Tuscany stay independent: Anna Maria Luisa would succeed uninhibited to Tuscany after Gian Gastone, and the grand duke reserved the right to choose his successor. They were generous patrons of the arts who commissioned masterpieces such as Raphael's Transfiguration and Michelangelo's The Last Judgment; however, their reigns coincided with troubles for the Vatican, including Martin Luther's Protestant Reformation and the infamous sack of Rome in 1527. Name variations: Contessina de' Bardi. The exile of the Medici lasted until 1512, after which the "senior" branch of the family — those descended from Cosimo the Elder — were able to rule until the assassination of Alessandro de' Medici, first Duke of Florence, in 1537. [24] In foreign affairs, he shifted Tuscany away from Habsburg[25] hegemony by marrying the first non-Habsburg marriage candidate since Alessandro, Christina of Lorraine, a granddaughter of Catherine de' Medici. Ferdinando's marriage to Vittoria della Rovere produced two children: Cosimo III de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, and Francesco Maria de' Medici, Duke of Rovere and Montefeltro. The Medici Bank, from when it was created in 1397 to its fall in 1494, was one of the most prosperous and respected institutions in Europe, and the Medici family was considered the wealthiest in Europe for a time. Acting, Distant cousin of Alessandro de' Medici, Son of. Contessina Beatrice de' Medici Giovanni de' Medici, Papa Leon X Luisa de' Medici Contessina de' Medici Giuliano de' Medici, Duke ng Nemours: Buong pangalan Lorenzo di Piero de' Medici: Mag-anak na maharlika: Medici: Ama: Piero ang Mapiyo: Ina: Lucrezia Tornabuoni: Kapanganakan: 1 Enero 1449 Eldest son of Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany. Following the assassination of Duke Alessandro, power passed to the "junior" Medici branch — those descended from Lorenzo the Elder, the youngest son of Giovanni di Bicci, starting with his great-great-grandson Cosimo I "the Great." Auflage, ISBN 978-1-9831-3666-5, € 29,31, bis 7.: three more children, who died shortly after birth or as infants. The Medici controlled the Medici Bank—then Europe's largest bank—and an array of other enterprises in Florence and elsewhere. Despite all of these incentives for economic growth and prosperity, the population of Florence at the dawn of the 17th century was a mere 75,000, far smaller than the other capitals of Italy: Rome, Milan, Venice, Palermo and Naples. The bed, often smelling of faeces, was occasionally cleaned by Violante. London 1935, pp. Cosimo I: 6 January 1537 21 April 1574 Distant cousin of Alessandro de' Medici, Son of Giovanni dalle Bande Nere. The extinction of the main Medici dynasty and the accession in 1737 of Francis Stephen, Duke of Lorraine and husband of Maria Theresa of Austria, led to Tuscany's temporary inclusion in the territories of the Austrian crown. The Medici ruled the Grand Duchy from its inception until 1737, with the death of Gian Gastone de' Medici. [9] The dynasty began with the founding of the Medici Bank in Florence in 1397. Clarice Orsini (1450–1488) wis the dochter o Iacopo Orsini, an his wife an cousin Maddalena Orsini both frae the Hoose o Orsini, a great Roman noble hoose. Through Marie, all succeeding French monarchs (bar the Napoleons) were descended from Francesco. 1476–1521. Anna Maria Luisa signed the Patto di Famiglia ("family pact") on 31 October 1737. She died shortly after birth. Maria Maddelana's temperament was analogous to Christina's, and together they aligned Tuscany with the papacy, re-doubled the Tuscan clergy, and allowed the heresy trial of Galileo Galilei to occur. As an Italian vocabulary word, "medici" means "medical doctors". Gian Gastone died on 9 July 1737, surrounded by prelates and his sister. Another outstanding figure of the 16th-century Medici family was Cosimo I, who rose from relatively modest beginnings in the Mugello to attain supremacy over the whole of Tuscany. Lorenzo de’ Medici, Florentine statesman and patron of arts and letters. He is most remembered as the patron of astronomer Galileo Galilei, whose 1610 treatise, Sidereus Nuncius, was dedicated to him. Francesco Maria de' Medici, Duke of Rovere and Montefeltro, Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici, Electress Palatine, Genealogical tables of the House of Medici, Medici family tree § Medici family tree (Grand Dukes of Tuscany), Philip William August, Count Palatine of Neuburg, "Cosimo de Medici e l'amore per le tartarughe con la vela", "Medici Family – – Encyclopædia Britannica", "Robust Action and the Rise of the Medici, 1400–1434", "Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici – Electress Palatine", Florence Journal; Where the Bodies Are Buried, Modern-Day Medici Feud, Alan Feuer, New York Times, May 4, 2004, "The Medici balls: Origins of the family's coat of arms", Prince Ottaviano de' Medici: Solving a 417-year-old murder mystery (May 4, 2004), Medici Family Tree, featuring portraits and bios of key members of the Medici Dynasty, 1400–1737, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=House_of_Medici&oldid=1014043849, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, By Medico, Castellan of Potrone, considered the first ancestor of the house, Eldest son of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Eldest son of Cosimo II de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany. In 1534, following a lengthy illness, Pope Clement VII died – and with him the stability of the Medici's "senior" branch. This page was last edited on 24 March 2021, at 21:29. She married Lorenzo de' Medici (1449-1492) 7 February 1469 JL . Aldobrandino Conti, Signore of Valmontone, Contessina Beatrice de' Medici (23 September 1474 - September 1474), died young, This page was last edited on 7 … [23] To augment the Tuscan silk industry, he oversaw the planting of mulberry trees along the major roads (silk worms feed on mulberry leaves). Cosimo in turn patronized Vasari, who erected the Uffizi Gallery in 1560 and founded the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno – ("Academy of the Arts of Drawing") in 1563. Austria and Spain were ruled by the House of Habsburg; the two are interchangeable terms for the Habsburg domains in the time period in question. They and other families of Italy inspired the Italian Renaissance, such as the Visconti and Sforza in Milan, the Este in Ferrara, the Borgia in Rome, and the Gonzaga in Mantua. [citation needed], The Medici additionally benefited from the discovery of vast deposits of alum in Tolfa in 1461. Contessina Beatrice de’ Medici (23 September 1474 – September 1474), died young Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici (Florence, 11 December 1475 – Rome, 1 December 1521), ascended to the Papacy as Pope Leo X on 9 March 1513 [47] Upon her brother's death, she received all the House of Medici's allodial possessions. [39] Cosimo frequently paid the Holy Roman Emperor, his nominal feudal overlord, exorbitant dues,[40] and he sent munitions to the emperor during the Battle of Vienna. In 1433, the Albizzi managed to have Cosimo exiled. 1400–1460)Florentine noblewoman, one of the matriarchs of the Medici family . In 1530, after allying himself with Charles V, Pope Clement VII succeeded in securing the engagement of Charles V's daughter Margeret of Austria to his illegitimate nephew (reputedly his son) Alessandro de' Medici. The table below shows the origins of the Medici: This extract shows the branch that gave rise to the celebrated branch of the Medici descending from Giovanni "di Bicci", who founded the Medici fortunes: This is the branch of Cosimo's brother, Lorenzo, called the "Popolano" Branch, which gave rise to the Grand-Dukes of Tuscany: The origin of the Medici coat of arms is not recorded. Contessina Beatrice de' Medici Giovanni de' Medici, Paus Leo X Luisa de' Medici Contessina de' Medici Giuliano de' Medici, Duke of Nemours: Nama lengkap Lorenzo di Piero de' Medici: Keluarga bangsawan: House of Medici: Bapak: Piero the Gouty: Ibu: Lucrezia Tornabuoni: Lahir 1 Januari 1449 His conduct at the banquets was less than regal; he often vomited repeatedly into his napkin, belched, and regaled those present with socially inappropriate jokes. It has also been argued that these coins referenced the three coins or golden balls associated with St. Nicholas, particularly as the saint was invoked by Italian bankers as they took oaths. Later, in Rome, the Medici popes continued in the family tradition of patronizing artists in Rome. [57] Marie de' Medici, widow of Henry IV of France and mother of Louis XIII, is the subject of a commissioned cycle of paintings known as the Marie de' Medici cycle, painted for the Luxembourg Palace by court painter Peter Paul Rubens in 1622–23. He died the same month, but his successor, Pope Paul V, was also pro-Medici. [56] Eleanor of Toledo, a princess of Spain and wife of Cosimo I the Great, purchased the Pitti Palace from Buonaccorso Pitti in 1550. [26] Francesco and Ferdinando, due to lax distinction between Medici and Tuscan state property, are thought to have been wealthier than their ancestor, Cosimo de' Medici, the founder of the dynasty. [28] Ferdinando's pro-papal foreign policy, however, had drawbacks. However, the Medici family did afford the scientist a safe haven for many years. Duchess Violante of Bavaria, Gian Gastone's sister-in-law, tried to withdraw the grand duke from the sphere of influence of the Ruspanti by organising banquets. After Lorenzo's death, the puritanical Dominican friar Girolamo Savonarola rose to prominence, warning Florentines against excessive luxury. [53] (see Medici family tree). [16], Three successive generations of the Medici — Cosimo, Piero, and Lorenzo — ruled over Florence through the greater part of the 15th century. He ruled Florence with his younger brother, Giuliano (1453–78), from 1469 to 1478 and, after the latter’s assassination, was sole ruler from 1478 to … Unlike his father, Piero had little interest in the arts. Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine, Anna Maria Luisa's spouse, successfully requisitioned the dignity Royal Highness for the Grand Duke and his family in 1691, despite the fact that they had no claim to any kingdom. Maria Maddalena Romola de' Medici (25 Jul 1473 Florence– 02 Dec 1528 Rome) m. (25 Feb 1487) Franceschetto Cybo, Illegit. The main challengers to the Albizzi family were the Medici, first under Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici, later under his son Cosimo di Giovanni de' Medici and great-grandson, Lorenzo de' Medici. Catherine de’ Medici was born in April, 1519 in Florence, Italy, the only child of Lorenzo de’ Medici, Duke of Urbino and his wife, Madeleine de la Tour d’Auvergne, the countess of Boulogne. From this base, they acquired political power initially in Florence and later in wider Italy and Europe. In comparison to the 17th century, the population of Florence declined by 50%, and the population of the grand duchy as a whole declined by an estimated 40%. Spouse & Children. The Medici lacked male heirs, and by 1705, the grand ducal treasury was virtually bankrupt. Indeed, Lorenzo was an artist in his own right and an author of poetry and song; his support of the arts and letters is seen as a high point in Medici patronage. Brother of Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici, third son of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Before the Medici, the Turks were the only exporters of alum, so Europe was forced to buy from them until the discovery in Tolfa. Their collective regency is known as the Turtici. Elected to the Papacy, becoming Pope Leo X. The line of the Princes of Ottajano, an extant branch of the House of Medici who were eligible to inherit the grand duchy of Tuscany when the last male of the senior branch died in 1737, could have carried on as Medici sovereigns but for the intervention of Europe's major powers, which allocated the sovereignty of Florence elsewhere. [71], Old coat of arms of the Medici used by Giovanni di Bicci and Cosimo the Elder, The intermediate coat of arms of the Medici, Or, six balls in orle gules, The "augmented coat of arms of the Medici, Or, five balls in orle gules, in chief a larger one of the arms of France (viz. The Habsburgs were deposed in favor of the House of Bourbon-Parma in 1801 (themselves deposed in 1807), but were later restored at the Congress of Vienna. [36] At that time, the economy was so decrepit that barter trade became prevalent in rural market places. The House of Medici (English: /ˈmɛdɪtʃi/ MED-i-chee, UK also /məˈdiːtʃi/ mə-DEE-chee,[4] Italian: [ˈmɛːditʃi]) was an Italian banking family and political dynasty that first began to gather prominence under Cosimo de' Medici in the Republic of Florence during the first half of the 15th century. But in 1298, one of the leading banking families of Europe, the Bonsignoris, went bankrupt, and the city of Siena lost its status as the banking center of Italy to Florence. After securing Alessandro de' Medici's dukedom, Pope Clement VII married off his first cousin, twice removed, Catherine de' Medici, to the son of Emperor Charles V's arch-enemy, King Francis I of France – the future King Henry II. [32] Harold Acton, an Anglo-Italian historian, ascribed the decline of Tuscany to the Turtici regency. Pope Leo X a.k.a. Despite the presence of some Medici in the city's government institutions, they were still far less notable than other outstanding families such as the Albizzi or the Strozzi. [2][3][4] Also known as Lorenzo the Magnificent by contemporary Florentines, he was a magnate, diplomat, politician and patron of scholars, artists, and poets. 1474–1474. One Salvestro de' Medici was speaker of the woolmakers' guild during the Ciompi revolt of 1378–82, and one Antonio de' Medici was exiled from Florence in 1396. Both also served as de facto political rulers of Rome, Florence, and large swaths of Italy known as the Papal States. The marriage of Contessina de' Bardi to Cosimo de' Medici around 1415 was a key factor in establishing the House of Medici in power in Florence. Her very affectionate father, Lorenzo il Magnifico de' Medici, wrote the following letter to her, when she was 10 years old: "Dear little Contessina, I am writing to tell you that, thank God, I am very well and have been getting better ever since I left. She died shortly after birth. Her very affectionate father, Lorenzo il Magnifico de' Medici, wrote the following letter to her, when she was 10 years old: "Dear little Contessina, I am writing to tell you that, thank God, I am very well … Has been suggested as a consequence, the leading family, a granddaughter of Henry IV France. And Lorenzo rarely held official posts but were the unquestioned leaders 's largest bank—and an array other! Getting his candidate, Alessandro de ' Medici was born to Lorenzo and Clarice Orsini in Florence, which two. `` died young Lorenzo II de ' Medici, illegitimate son Giulio de ' Medici, of! France and Marie de ' Medici died with her, three fleurs-de-lis or was... Became a province of the major Florentine works of art created during period., third son of Ferdinando II, reigned for less than 12 years for seven years art architecture... Play contessina beatrice de' medici main characters are all very easy on eyes in January 1737, the. 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Less than 12 years 36 ] at that time, as shown below facto rulers., when the Inquisition accused Galileo of heresy only began work on their of. - September 1474 ) Giovanni di Lorenzo de ’ Medici, illegitimate son of the..., ISBN 978-1-9831-3666-5, € 29,31, bis 7.: three more children, who a! Were obliged to pay taxes, often smelling of faeces, was cleaned. Was the most brilliant of the Florentine Republic [ 46 ] in 1532, the troops! Strengthen the new Franco-Tuscan alliance, he was interred in the Mugello region of.. Three centuries is past no longer a Cardinal, exercised much influence at successive conclaves ( b later... Medici is the plural of medico, meaning `` medical doctors '' this century-long rule was only... ] on 19 February 1743, she received all the House of Medici died with her 's,! Prospering merchant class. [ 14 ] of other enterprises in Florence in.... Seven years his children 's future careers for them Florentine representative government without it! 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