What have you done with the Tsar? Sergeant Sinker 3. There are five different nations in this game. (Admiral A-Qira). Her ancestor was Qa-Len, who unleashed an all-powerful staff upon the Iron Legion. All the line troops of the GAR used this structure, although in the elite Special Operations Brigade, the term battalion was used for the units known on the order of battle as Commando Groups, directly subordinate to brigade command, and each consisting of 500 men in five companies. The peaceful Empress of the Solar Empire in the present day. Commanded by a Major, a repulsorlift battalion was comprised of three repulsorlift companies and a scout troop, with the attendant battalion headquarters and support personnel. Buckle up, soldier--Battalion Wars offers quite a ride. Her decision to resurrect the Iron Legion to save Xylvania despite Vlad's objections ends with her going insane, Suffers this as a consequence of resurrecting the Iron Legion, Is killed by Empress Lei-Qo after the resurrected Iron Legion is destroyed. The game is a real time strategy game with 3D person shooting elements though out the game. Instead, the game presents players with a unique style of graphics and character design, fun shooter controls, and a good amount of humor. They liberated the Solar Empire. Battalion Wars features many different types of troops, vehicles, and weaponry, all of which have their own strengths and weaknesses. The Antagonist in both Battalion Wars I and II. She is at the rank of brigadier. The stuck-up commander of the Anglo navy. In each mission you control a entire squad of soldiers, that range from the basic soldier to anti air units and bazooka soldiers, and can even gain control of tanks, helicopters and planes. The Empress of the Solar Empire during the Lightning War. This empire fought in many wars against the Iron Legion and a Xylvanian battle group that fought in the lightning wars 200 years ago, whom the Solar Empire defeated. [Go to top]← Battalion Wars | Characters | Battalion Wars →, From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, https://strategywiki.org/w/index.php?title=Battalion_Wars/Characters&oldid=614320. The Allied Nations destroy the Black Hole's Death Ray. The Iron Legion Army was reborne by Ingrid. He is killed by Ubel immediately after redeeming himself in the eyes of his son, Ingrid's ill-advised attempt to do so only proves him right. This country has a Russian style culture which despises its Western nabors who's army rivels its own. If you are qualified, please edit it to remove the drivel, and then remove this template from the page. but the Xylvanians betrayed the Tundrans and killed Tundrans troops as well as Western Frontier soldiers, but then the two grate fractions joined forces and mobilized their armies to fight the Xylvanians, but Ubel in the war eventually murdered Marshal Nova's father Tsar Gorgi, eventully the war was won but Vlad escaped. Many years later Tsar Gorgi still feels the sting of defeat. Operation Pow. Overview. He cared about the reputation of his country, and his people and their needs. After a few years the ghost of his father appears and tells Nova that the Tundran Territories is a strong country that is being softened by political talk of peace, Admiral A-Quria asks Nova for help to fight the Anglo Isles. Spitter 9. See Also . The first thing we noticed were the graphics were greatly improved compared to Battalion Wars on the Cube. You'll take the role of a field officer in the Western Frontier army. List of Missions in Battalion Wars 1 The Story 2 History 3 Game Features 4 Systems You are Commander Def FitzGerald, commander for America. She bears the distinction of being the only character in the first game that doesn't even make a cameo in the sequel, Kaiser Vlad makes him unknowingly drink a glass of poison after he has, His invasion of the Anglo Isles was exactly what Kaiser Vlad wanted to weaken both nations, Gets incinerated along with the rest of the Iron Legion by the Staff of Qa-Len, and shows up to take down a Stratodestroyer in the finale. She is the new leader who possesses great wisdom. The emotionally reclusive elder of the Tundran dynasty. Brawn Hilda: Major Nelly. This page was last edited on 4 June 2012, at 20:24. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/BattalionWars. Hawke betrays and usurps Sturm and flees Marco Land with the Black Hole Army. fanfiction. Battalion Wars (Video Game 2005) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. A manipulative pilot known as the "Countess of the Skies" who holds great interest in Xylvania's past. Players take on the role of a field officer in Battalion Wars. The leader of Xylvania who wages war to return the nation to its former glory and to claim unpolluted land for his people. This country has a war torn past, its pride comes from its past wars and past victories. For going against his son's trust, he was banished with a small group of planes and troops. A sequel to Battalion Wars, Battalion Wars 2, was released in 2007 for the Nintendo Wii. Nova assisted the Western Frontier at the battle that ended the dreaded war, but Vlad escaped and Nova didn't get his revenge on Vlad but captured his right hand man Ubel. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. He seeks great power and is a masterful Tactician. While the leader of the Western Frontier Army and one of the shortest in the army, Herman has a passion for a good old fashion battle. The 39th Armoured "Hawk" Battalion was a military unit serving in the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Fictional character biography Alexander Lyons aka Battalion, dubbed the "Drill Sergeant from Hell", is a member of the Team Titans, an alternate version of the Teen Titans from ten years in the future, where Lord Chaos reigns. The emotionally reclusive elder of the Tundran dynasty. Unidentified ARF trooper 17. Plan of Attack. A couple of characters I did for Battalion wars, will add a texture or 2 later Many years later Tsar Gorgi still feels the sting of defeat. Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: It is left... Xylvania. Characters … A few years later Vlad came back and found a Staff Of Qa-Len which had destroid the Xylvanian army once before; however he and Ubel got trapped in a cave because of his discovery and once again denied Nova his revenge for his father's death. Had rivals once but got over with it. So the conflict continues when Tsar Gorgi sends a spy across the DMZ. Behind Enemy Lines. He spied on the Western Frontier, and declared another war on them. Mar 21, 2019 - Made this armor for someone on amino's "Clone Wars" community. Explore the Battalion wars collection - the favourite images chosen by ODST105 on DeviantArt. The game's world consists of five nations, spread across two large continents and a series of islands and archipelagos. Characters / Battalion Wars Western Frontier. This newest game in the series added naval units, a new nation (the Anglo Isles), and a multi-player mode. The continent is shared between the Western Frontier in the west, based upon the United States and whom the player controls throughout the campaign, and the Tundran Territories in the east, based upon Russia. PieJaDak... Battalion … Unidentified 104th Battalion Tank Gunner (Felucia) 16. While trying to help the alliance of nations, he was attacked by Ubel, and died because he lost the will to live after the devastating attack. but after a failed attempt by the solars the Iron leagion would still stand but they deliverd their own demise when they had believed that they had destroid the invading Solar Empire army. Unidentified 104th Battalion clone trooper sergeant 15. This nation has an American cowboy like culture and is the main protagonist faction in the Battalion Wars and Battalion Wars 2. Assault on Windbreak Ridge. Battalion Wars 2 is a pseudo-RTS game developed for the Nintendo Wii in which players assume control over various land, sea, and air-based units. Vlad wears a cape and at one time found the Staff Of Qa-Len; however he and Ubel got trapped in a cave because of his discovery. Feb 4, 2021 - Read Arix's 502th Clone Battalion from the story Oc book by XXXHarleyIvyXXX (Transformers) with 42 reads. These are the credits to Battalion Wars 2. This page contains unnecessary drivel. The country that did a lot of damage to the world in the past but lost the old war by the Staff. Herman is not satisfied with the practice maneuvers, believing that the troops have gotten out of shape from the constant peace. A commander known for her optimism and energy. In this future Battalion had been a concert pianist. As the right hand man for Vlad he commands all of Vlads armed forces. Battalion Wars is a war game that combines elements of strategic gameplay and unit micromanagement with third-person shooting. Commander Wolffe 2. Although Ubel is a few shells short of a pistol, he makes it up with brute strength, which with it he killed Nova's father Tsar Gorgi. Striking Distance. An evil female Xylvanian, who was in command of Vlad's air force but was driven mad with power. Dash-1129 7. Dash-1044 6. Who is this? Herman, in the past, battled Tsar Gorgi because of a rumored super weapon. If you want to try out wiki markup without damaging a page, why not use the sandbox? Oc book - Arix's 502th Clone Battalion in 2021 | Star wars characters pictures, Star wars characters poster, Star wars trooper. The Antagonist in both Battalion Wars I and II. Bunny Ears Lawyer: Most of … Combat Patrol. Mortar 8. Using the widescreen hack with this title is not recommended.Please note the menus and cut-scenes are still displayed in 4:3 with black-bars but in ga… Battalion Wars Levels ( view all pages) Tundran Campaign. While the leader of the Western Frontier Army and one of the shortest in the army, Herman has a passion for a good old fashion battle. The Chick: The feminine heart of the Western Frontier’s... Tundran Territories. Their Flame Vets even wear Tam o' Shanters. Breather Level: Black Gold in the first game. They have a lot of weapons, from factories all over the country Palooting the air mutating the inhabitants, This country has had many wars to fight and many of them where lost, But when the grate Iron Legion Started conquering the world the Solar Empire stood in their way. Nintendo presents Battalion Wars for the Game Cube, a military action strategy game that doesn’t take itself too seriously. A worldly champion boxer who has just succeeded Gorgi as the Supreme Commander of Tundra. But his father sent a spy across the DMZ that started a war between the two massive countries. The new leader of the Tundran Territories bestowed by his father Tsar Gorgi was seeking peace between the Tundran Territories and the Western Frontier. Unidentified 104th Battalion clone trooper 12. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. The 987th Cobalt Battalion was an elite unit of clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic that specialized in attack, infiltration, extraction and scouting missions. Battalion Wars is alternatively focused on a blend of real-time action and strategy. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Titans of Tundra. An experienced strategist and the brains behind the Western Frontier's operations. Unidentified 104th Battalion clone communications officer 13. They won the day by unleashing the power of their super weapon which araticated the Iron Legion, Xylvania will never forget that day and will try to take revenge once they get the chance. Brutal Bonus Level: Bonus Mission 3 in the first Battalion Wars, right to the point of being That One Level. It was created by Nintendo 95 Productions. This faction is the main enemy that the Western Frontier will fight in both Battalion Wars and Battalion Wars 2. Vlad wears a cape and once agreed to help the Tundrans win the war agenst the Western Frontier. Battalion Wars Wiki; Anglo Isles; Tundran Territories; Gunship; General Herman; Anglo Attack; Lightning Strike 1 For Kuju London 1.1 Executive Producer 1.2 Producers 1.3 Creative Director 1.4 Technical Director 1.5 Lead Programming 1.6 Programming 1.7 Additional Programming 1.8 Lead Technology Programming 1.9 Core Technology Team 1.10 Additional Technology Team 1.11 Lead Design 1.12 Lead Level Design / Writing 1.13 Technical Design Coordinator 1.14 … In the Grand Army of the Republic, a battalion was made up of four companies of 165 clone troopers each, for a total of 660 men, commanded by a Major or a Clone trooper commander, with four battalions forming a Regiment. Mainly consisting of heavy weaponry specialists and Advanced Recon Commandos, they were founded following the First Battle of Geonosis and continued to serve the Republic throughout the Clone Wars, chief among their many battles being the Battle of Coruscant in … In the end he and Vlad were buried alive by finding the staff of Qa-Len, but denyed Nova's revenge for his father's death. If you need help with wiki markup, see the wiki markup page. Live Party of One She killed Ingrid when the Iron Legion was reborn. Clone Commander Nova. You are sent on a major mission to take out Iraqian forces. Warthog 11. This nation also made a terror tank called the Battlestation but that was destroyed by the Staff in the final battle of the lightning wars. Battalion Wars: Continental Assult is the first ever first- person shooter of the Battalion Wars series. But somehow Vlad and Ubel escape once again, not giving Nova his rightful revenge. She awakened the Iron Legion, but suffered a unexpected loss at the hands of the Western Frontier and Empress Lei-Qo. A… As our aim is to present helpful and complete guides for games, pages do not need to contain unnecessary information, such as the names of contributors, or mini guides for editing. Meanwhile, Advance Wars is known for its multiplayer mode and Battalion Wars lacks one. For the right price, Battalion Wars is still worth a look, though. Corporal Comet 4. He attacked the Western Frontier in the past over rumors of a superweapon but was repelled. The east… Later on in the war the countries were bombed by Xylvania, by creating a peace between them. The armies of Orange Star, Blue Moon, Yellow Comet, and Green Earth, unite as the Allied Nations and repel their invaders. (Credits to the following artists. Wishes to take the nation on a modernising course. Unidentified 104th Battalion clone trooper commander (Malastare) 14. Hawke conquers Green Earth. In Battalion Wars . General Herman. His son Marshal Nova seeks for peace between the Western Frontier, but the Tsar still doesn't trust his enemies enough to be allies with the Western Frontier cowboys. With defeat after the counter attacks fail, Nova pulls out only to find out that Tundra has been invaded by Xylvania and in the end agrees to reunite the Alliance of Nations, and gives the final blow with a battle station destroying the mining spider. When she was attacked by the Anglo Isles she allowed her misunderstanding admiral to take command. The girl that inspires the men with inspirational talk and she has a crush on Commander Pearce. A commander with a strong sense of justice, and the first woman to become an officer in the Tundran army thanks to Nova's reforms. Herman, in the past, battled Tsar Gorgi because of a rumored super weapon. The Man Behind the Man: Kaiser Vlad in both Battalion Wars games. Man in a Kilt: In Battalion Wars 2, the Anglo Empire veteran soldiers all wear kilts and have fancy handlebar mustaches. Tracer 10. 1. A standard repulsorlift battalion numbered 952 personnel, 680 of which were combat personnel, mounted on 115 repulsorcraft and forty speeder bikes. Drivel specifics: needs proof reading since there is a high rate of partial/wrong words, Battalion Wars | Table of Contents | Walkthrough. Battalion Warshas a native 16:9 display option, but it requires enabling it in its internal options and setting Dolphin's Aspect Ratio graphics setting to "Auto". A second installation of the Battalion Wars franchise.Sadly, exclusive for the Wii because stopping the production of GameCube was a huge mistake. But was eventually freed by Vlad and his grunts. Instead, the game presents players with a unique style of graphics and character design, fun shooter controls, and a good amount of humor. The western continent consists of a mixture of rugged canyons in the west and wide plains and forests, to frozen tundra and snowy mountains and forested valleys in the east. He seeks great power and is a masterful Tactician. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Controlling squads on the ground is a snap, as the game automatically separates different troop types into squads and allows you to quickly jump around selecting whole units at a time. The commander of the Solar Empire's navy. In the earliest events of the game, Colonel Austin, along with General Herman and Brigadier Betty, are having their troops practice their combat routines on the grounds of a Frontier boot camp. It was commanded by Jedi Knights Aex Leydus and Marek Tossok, and Clone Commander CC-7979 during the Clone Wars. Then fought in a one on one battle between the Empress and her self but eventually lost and was killed. Nova, with much regret, agrees to send ships and gun ships to assist his allies. And the dune sea from Vlad but the victory came with a price his father Tsar Gorgi was attacked by Ubel and died shortly afterward. Boost 5. Supreme leader of the Iron Legion during the Lightning War. The battalion headquarters was also mobile, with eighteen of the battalion's … While Asian in appearance, they also live with honor, but their age-old rivalry becomes stronger than ever when Kaiser Vlad unleashed his armies upon the Solar Empire. He is Nova's father. when the war was lost Ubel was left behind by Vlad he was captured by the Tundrans and was put in a high security Tundran goolag. Please tell me if I missed or overcreditted). Characters I did for Battalion Wars and Battalion Wars lacks one qualified, edit! Past over rumors of a superweapon but was driven mad with power ) with reads! Loss at the hands of the Solar Empire during the Clone Wars community... 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